Review: Film ‘Climate Hustle 2’ Targets Hollywood’s Green Hypocrisy, Double Standards By Kevin Mooney Politicians, media figures, and Hollywood elites who maintain lavish lifestyles while advocating restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions are on full display in a new documentary. “Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy” is a sequel to the 2016 documentary film “Climate Hustle,” which questioned the premise of theories linking human […]
ARE YOU READY? Tonight (9-24) hustlers exposed, hypocrisy laid bare, and real science dished out. Climate Hustle 2, premiering online at 8 pm in your time zone
Mark Steyn: Tune into Climate Hustle 2 to see ‘the new world the global warm-mongers are planning for us’ – Steyn featured in film – Watch Tonight Sept. 24 – At 8pm (in every time zone) If you’re one of that small brave band who enjoy Steyn on camera, he’ll be back tonight for the premiere of a brand new documentary from Marc Morano and Kevin Sorbo on the new world the global warm-mongers are planning for us, some of which we’ve had a glimpse of during this year’s lockdowns. […]