Pelosi: ‘Resilient’ Is Now Code for ‘Green’ Because ‘The Word ‘Green’ Is Scary to Some People’ By Craig Bannister Democrats have renamed their climate agenda action items “resilient,” because people have become turned off by the word “green,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday during a press conference. Expressing hope that some of the climate actions proposed by House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Chair Rep. Kathy Castor’s […]

Bare-chested women lock themselves to UK parliament in climate protest LONDON (Reuters) – Thirty bare-chested women locked themselves to the railings outside Britain’s Houses of Parliament on Thursday in an Extinction Rebellion protest to demand action against climate change. The women carried a large banner reading “Can’t bare the truth?” and had words painted on their chests representing predicted consequences of global warming such […]

Biden drilling ban would cost 1 Million jobs and cause $700 billion drop in GDP Industry study finds by Josh Siegel, Energy and Environment Joe Biden’s pledge to block oil and gas drilling on federal lands and waters would force the United States to rely more on foreign energy sources, cost nearly 1 million jobs by 2022, and cause carbon emissions to increase by prompting a rebound in coal. That’s according to […]