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New Polar Bear ‘Death’ Model Based On Junk Science And Climate Porn New Polar Bear ‘Death’ Model Based On Junk Science And Climate Porn Climate Change Dispatch / by Susan J. Crockford / 1h A prediction that polar bears could be nearly extinct by 2100 (which was first suggested back in 2007) is news today because there is a new model. As for all previous models, […]

New Study Shows CO2 Changes Lag Decadal-Scale Warming By ~1000 Years In The Northern Hemisphere New Study Shows CO2 Changes Lag Decadal-Scale Warming By ~1000 Years In The Northern Hemisphere NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by Kenneth Richard From about 80,000 to 20,000 years ago, Greenland temperatures abruptly warmed by about 10°C in just a few decades on at least 20 occasions. And then, about 870 […]

The Pandemic Panic Shows Us Why Science Needs Skeptics The Pandemic Panic Shows Us Why Science Needs Skeptics Climate Change Dispatch / by Peter St. Onge / 4d The dumpster fire of COVID predictions has shown exactly why it’s important to sustain and nurture skeptics, lest we blunder into scientific monoculture and groupthink. And yet the explosion of “cancel culture” intolerance of any […]

California’s Carbon Market Fails in Practice and in Theory Cal Carbon Market Fails in Practice and in Theory Science Matters / by Ron Clutz when secondary market prices dropped below minimum auction prices for a few different periods in 2016 and 2017, the state generated $10 million or less in three out of four auctions, as shown in Figure 1. In May 2020, […]

Analysis: Biden’s Climate Plan Is ‘Solyndra on Steroids’ – NYT: ‘Biden’s plan connects tackling climate change…while also addressing racism’ Biden’s Climate Plan Is ‘Solyndra on Steroids’ Climate Change Dispatch / by Tom Finnerty / I couldn’t help but laugh when I read the sub-headline of this New York Times report on Joe Biden’s recent speech laying out his new, improved environmental policy proposals. It reads, “Joe Biden’s plan connects tackling climate change with […]

NOAA Falsely Claims ‘Extraordinary’ Sea-Level Rise, Data Says Otherwise NOAA Falsely Claims ‘Extraordinary’ Sea-Level Rise, Data Says Otherwise Climate Change Dispatch / by H. Sterling Burnett / The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which relies on perpetuation of the Climate Delusion to maintain high funding, is falsely claiming there has been an “extraordinary” sea-level rise since 2000. Fox News and other media outlets […]

How Have Our Scientific Experts Gotten So Much Wrong? – ‘Most important lesson of the coronavirus crisis is that being blinded by science is not a good thing’ How Have Our Scientific Experts Gotten So Much Wrong? The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 2h Perhaps the most important lesson of the coronavirus crisis is that being blinded by science is not a good thing. Masks don’t make a difference. Remember that? It was about two months ago. The […]