UN: Covid, Climate Change & Racial Justice are all Linked

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/06/15/un-covid-19-climate-change-and-racial-justice-are-all-linked/ Flag of the United Nations, Public Domain Image Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to the UN, everything bad you see in the news is linked to climate change. Or something like that. Covid-19 pandemic is ‘fire drill’ for effects of climate crisis, says UN official Lise Kingo says social equality issues must be […]

Naomi Seibt – Climate of Freedom: THE CONSENSUS FRAUD part 1

https://climaterealism.com/2020/06/naomi-seibt-climate-of-freedom-the-consensus-fraud-part-1/ From Heartland Friend @Naomi Seibt​, this is the first of her series of “Climate of Freedom” videos with another Heartland friend, the one-and-only Lord Christopher Monckton. Watch as they take on one of Monckton’s favorite myths: The so-called “97% consensus” that humans are causing catastrophic global warming. Heartland Institute

Failing Cities and States use Climate Change Lawsuits as Fiscal Escape Hatch

http://antigreen.blogspot.com/2020/06/failing-cities-and-states-use-climate.html Cities and states are suing energy companies in a desperate attempt to erase their poor spending choices. Local officials argue oil and gas companies contribute to climate change and must be held accountable, but beneath this façade, leftist politicians are trying to win the lawsuit lottery to stave off fiscal insolvency. Government officials keep […]

The Green Effect: Vegetarians Skinnier, Less Outgoing Than Meat Eaters

https://www.studyfinds.org/green-effect-vegetarians-skinnier-less-outgoing-than-meat-eaters/ By John Anderer LEIPZIG, Germany — Thinking of going vegetarian? You’re far from alone, and it isn’t all that difficult to figure out why. Meat consumption is linked ad nauseam to cardiovascular issues and other health problems. Conversely, a plant-based diet is seemingly the darling of healthy eating these days. Add in a growing sense of environmental […]

NYT’s ‘doozy of a fake climate claim’: No, NY Times, Climate Change Will Not End the 30-Year Mortgage

https://climaterealism.com/2020/06/no-ny-times-climate-change-will-not-end-the-30-year-mortgage/ By James Taylor The New York Times is asserting a doozy of a fake climate claim today, scaring readers into believing they will no longer be able to get home mortgages because of climate change. The assertion is preposterous. Let’s break it down: This morning, the Times published an article titled, “Rising Seas Threaten an American Institution: The […]

2010 PREDICTION FAIL: UN IPCC’s Richard Alley: ‘We may pass Greenland tipping point’ in 10 years – 2020 Reality check: Greenland’s temps ‘no higher than they were in the 1930s’

https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2020/06/22/what-happened-to-greenlands-tipping-point/ By Paul Homewood Ten years ago, the Guardian warned us that Greenland would have passed a tipping point by now, with the whole ice sheet due to disappear by the end of the century:   The entire ice mass of Greenland will disappear from the world map if temperatures rise by as little as 2C, with […]

Empress Greta Thunberg Is Disappointed In Her Subjects: Urges the world to act ‘with necessary force’ on climate

https://climatechangedispatch.com/empress-greta-thunberg-disappointed-her-subjects/ WRITTEN BY MICHAEL WALSH Empress Greta Thunberg Is Disappointed In Her Subjects The world’s most obnoxious teen girl is at it again. With the grownups having abdicated all responsibility across the western world, and the barbarians at the gates, think of Greta Thunberg as, well… Romulus Augustulus, empress of all she surveys. For now (via the BBC): […]