UN IPCC chief admits UN ‘science’ is all about politics: ‘Our assessment findings will strengthen the political will of the policy makers for immediate and concrete actions’

The UN IPCC chief Hoesung Lee admits that the climate body is all about using science to lobby for political goals.

UN IPCC Chief Hoesung Lee: “Our assessment findings will strengthen the political will of the policy makers for immediate and concrete actions.” – June 1, 2020


Related Links: 

Video & Submitted Written Congressional Testimony of Marc Morano – 2019 Examining UN Species/Climate Report – UN report is ‘authoritative propaganda’ – Morano: “I am not speaking vaguely about the UN. But specifically of the organization represented by these three witnesses today. They are playing the role of science bureaucrats doing the bidding for their political and lobbying prone mother UN organization.

As I publicly stated hours after the release of the report: “The UN has juiced up the issue and put themselves in charge of solving it.. That’s called a self-interested lobbying organization.”

Watch: Gore admits UN IPCC report was ‘torqued up’ to promote political action – ‘How [else] do they get the attention of policy-makers around the world?’
