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SHAMELESS ALARMISTS/MEDIA SPREAD CLIMATE CHANGE CANCER HORROR STORY SHAMELESS ALARMISTS SPREAD CLIMATE CHANGE CANCER HORROR STORY MAY 21, 2020 By H. Sterling Burnett Climate Change Weekly #360 Over the years I’ve become almost inured to the crazy claims various climate alarmists have made. They have tried to link almost every bad thing that happens in the world to climate change, from psychiatric disorders […]

No, Climate Change Does Not Cause Cancer – Despite claims from new ‘preposterous’ American Cancer Society study By James Taylor Among the top articles in a May 19 Google News search for “climate change” were a slew of articles claiming climate change causes cancer. CNBC and several other major news outlets published the claims, citing American Cancer Society (ACS) activists making the assertion. The line of reasoning is preposterous. And even if […]

New study in American Cancer Society Journal: ‘Climate change is already increasing cancer risk’ – Frets over ‘carbon footprint of cancer care’

Here is a question for the American Cancer Society: If you need cancer treatment, would you go to a cancer treatment center that was worried about its carbon footprint? Or one that was worried about delivering the best possible modern care possible? — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) May 27, 2020 Climate change and cancer Leticia […]

Activists call for climate change to be listed as cause of death on death certificates By Jennifer Harper – The Washington Times  The environmental cause just took an unusual new turn. “Professors in academia are touting a new study that is being used to call for climate change to be added as a cause of death on death certificates,” writes Marc Morano, founder of Climate Depot, a news site which tracks alarmist reports […]

Youtube censorship removes Michael Moore’s documentary – But film is now available to watch on Bitchute

ALERT: YouTube censored Michael Moore film now available to watch on Bitchute – Watch the full film here before climate activists get it banned again! — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) May 27, 2020 By Jo Nova Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans racked up 8 million views in a month, then when they extended […]

Climate activist Eric Holthaus likes COVID lockdown impact on car travel: ‘Cars are the problem, not the answer’ – Rips ‘monstrous highway systems’ – Envisions ‘car-free era’ in cities

Motorised road vehicle transportation is responsible for about 80% of the rise in global emissions over the past 50 years. Cars are the problem, not the answer. There is no reason we cannot build an accessible car-free society that works for everyone. — Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) May 21, 2020 Clarifying this tweet, it should be […]

We Didn’t Close America in 1957-1958 during ‘Asian flu’: Dealt with virus ‘without doing unacceptably massive damage to our whole society’ By Ed Achorn • May 25, 2020 I was born in 1957. That’s me at the piano—late that year, I think—with my older sisters Susan (middle) and Nancy. That fall, a deadly flu was tearing through America. It ended up killing some 116,000 Americans—in a country that, with 170 million people, had about half the population of […]

Warmist Poll: 74% of Americans aren’t ‘very worried’ about global warming – 60% say they haven’t personally experienced the effects of it

  Worst crisis ever update: 74% of Americans aren't "very worried" about global warming; about 60% say that they haven't personally experienced the effects of it. — Tom Nelson (@tan123) May 27, 2020 # But this is how the authors spin the study: By Dimitris Mavrokefalidis Even during the coronavirus pandemic, concern about […]