Climate Scientists Try to Rescue Renewable Energies from ‘Planet of the Humans’ Climate Scientists Try to Rescue Renewable Energies from ‘Planet of the Humans’ Master Resource / by rbradley / “I gave up on Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing, but it’s not helping the cause, or her professional credibility.” —Dr. Michael Mann, Climategate email, May 30, 2008. “The […]

UN vs UN: ‘COVID-19 is disrupting a food industry already thrown into turmoil by climate change’  by Eric Worrall UN Environment claims Covid-19 is disrupting food production which has already been battered by climate adversity. But just last November, the UN Agriculture body said “reserves held by the five major exporting countries could rise to a five-year high, primarily on the back of another foreseen build-up in India.” 14 MAY […]

‘Moderate’ Biden Names AOC As A Co-Chair Of His Climate Change Task Force Remember when commentators said that Joe Biden grabbed the moderate wing of the Democratic Party?  And they thought we’d all buy it? That’s adorable. The truth is that the Democrats have gotten so radically leftist,  a moderate is still a left-wing extremist. As if to prove that point to team Bernie, the “moderate” […]

‘Morphing viral fears into climate fears’: Warmists Podesta, Kerry, Holdren & Steyer try to blame Trump for COVID & climate Obama-era heavyweights accuse Trump of fueling pandemic with climate-change stance By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Wednesday, May 13, 2020 A cadre of Obama-era heavy hitters led by John Podesta fired up another effort Wednesday to put global warming at the forefront of the presidential campaign, this time by linking President Trump’s skepticism of a […]

Attention, Citizens! The COVID-19 Emergency Is Over! – ‘Lockdowns are far, far more destructive than the virus’ Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Around the world, both state and local governments looked at wildly exaggerated computer model projections of millions of virus deaths, declared a “State Of Emergency”, and foolishly pulled the wheels off of their own economies. This has caused pain, suffering, and loss that far exceeds anything that the virus […]