We Are Winning The War On Climate-Related Diseases – ‘Dramatic falls in climate-related mortality over the last 30 years’


We Are Winning The War On Climate-Related Diseases

By Paul Homewood

Indur Goklany has a new paper published by GWPF, regarding climate related diseases:

London, 8 May: A new report from the Global Warming Policy Foundation reveals that there have been dramatic falls in climate-related mortality over the last 30 years. The study’s author, Indur Goklany, says that these improvements have been seen in almost every category:
“You see improvement across the board, but most notably there has been a wholesale rolling back of the biggest killers like diarrhea and malaria.”
Goklany’s report makes strong criticisms of the Lancet Countdown, a review of climate-related mortality published by the prominent medical journal, which he says has cherry-picked information and used misleading figures in order to give a false impression of a worsening situation.
“They highlight comparatively rare conditions, like dengue, which have worsened, while ignoring the wider picture, which is almost all good news. It’s highly misleading.”

The full report is here. But the key chart is below:
