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Ann Coulter blasts ‘fake environmentalism’ in CFACT livestream By Craig Rucker While the coronavirus crisis closed college campuses and pushed classes online, CFACT’s Collegians weren’t going to let that stop them from making a difference this Spring! The CFACT chapter at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities hosted an online livestream discussion with American political pundit and author Ann Coulter last night to […]

Analysis: While NASA Alters/Warms Greece Temperature Data, Cold And Unusual Snow Keep Coming Anyway By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin So what’s going on? NASA and other government agencies keep telling us that the globe is warming and ice becoming more rare, yet when look out the window, things often appear to be going the opposite direction. Rare cold, snow grip Greece For example, the Greek Reporter here informed how a “rare […]

Wash Post Shock Update on Coronavirus: Some data ‘suggest a fatality rate that is actually similar to that of the seasonal flu’ – ‘Estimates of its lethality keep going down…Models guilty of ‘substantial overestimating’ virus Why the coronavirus models aren’t totally accurate By Fareed Zakaria  Columnist April 9, 2020 at 7:28 p.m. EDT Something important is happening as the coronavirus crisis continues: Estimates of its lethality keep going down. On March 31, the White House estimated that, even with social distancing policies in place, between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans would die […]

As oil crashes, ‘America’s untapped energy giant’ – geothermal – could rise Geothermal energy is expensive even compared to renewables, but are the economics about to change? Maybe not, as the Russians and Saudis seem to have called off their oil production war, so sudden availability of lots of experienced but out-of-work shale drillers may not happen, although the virus factor continues. Also subsidy rates are biased towards […]

Dr. Jay Lehr: A very fresh look at climate change By Dr. Jay Lehr  It has been nearly three decades since the topic of global warming, and then climate change came on the scene as a hot (pardon the pun) topic on the pages and screens of our news media. Most people have taken sides as to whether or not humanity plays a role in […]

A New 1796-2013 Greenland Reconstruction Shows It Was Warmer In The 1920s-1940s – And No Hockey Sticks By Kenneth Richard A new reconstruction for SE Greenland (1796-2013) shows temperatures have risen and fallen without any hockey-stick-like trajectories for the last 200+ years. Temperatures were warmer than today in the 1920s and 1940s and even briefly during the 1800s. If rising CO2 concentrations are a driver of Arctic warming, the 19th and 20th […]

Is Greenland Warming, Melting? Hell No! NASA Data Show No Warming In Nearly 100 Years By P Gosselin on 3. April 2020 By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Recently I tweeted that according to NASA GHCN V3 data, three of 4 stations in Iceland saw no warming from 1922 – 2018: キリエ@KiryeNet In Iceland, 3 of 4 stations have been a cooling or there has been no warming trend from 1922 to 2018, according to GHCN V3 […]

German Skeptics Mourn Death Of S. Fred Singer: ‘Mentor, Good Friend, Outstanding Scientist’ By Michael Limburg, EIKE (Translated, edited by P. Gosselin) Dr. Siegfried Frederick Singer Yesterday, our mentor and good friend, the outstanding scientist S. Fred Singer passed away – peacefully and quietly at the age of 95. Without the constant encouragement we received from this outstanding scientist from the very beginning, the founding of EIKE and our […]

IS THE POPE A PAGAN? By MELANIE PHILLIPS The observations by Pope Francis on the coronavirus pandemic published in The Tablet are startling. They reveal with unusual sharpness just what kind of person currently heads the Catholic church. Asked whether the economic devastation wrought by the virus was a chance for an ecological conversion by reassessing priorities and lifestyles, the […]