Wikipedia Deletes ‘List of Scientists who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming’ Wikipedia Deletes “List of Scientists who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming” The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 1h In another disgusting indication of where climate science/debate is at today, a handful of Wikipedia editors have “voted” to delete the immensely useful and topical page: “List of Scientists […]

Journalist Ed Conway of UK Times & Sky News Cheers Coronavirus for Killing ‘Old’ Climate Skeptics – Calls virus ‘ultimate weapon against climate change’ Sick Journalist Cheers Coronavirus for Killing “Old” Climate Skeptics Ed Conway, economics editor of Sky News and columnist for U.K. Times, is happy the coronavirus is killing old people. Sick Journalist Cheers Coronavirus for Killing “Old” Climate Skeptics By Liberty Sentinel Staff A sick “journalist” and “columnist” for the U.K. Times is celebrating what […]

Former UN Climate Chief issues another tipping point of ‘a decade at best’ to ‘control’ climate or ‘we will really be condemned to an endless destruction’ – ‘Social change comes about when 3.5% of population is pressing for it…we’re almost there, at the 3.5%’ UN Paris architect and former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres issue another tipping point! Excerpts: The problem, she said, is that there isn’t much time to take this control: A decade, at best. “Ten years from now, in 2030, we will either have written a very positive story, or we will really be condemned […]