Jo Nova analyzes Australian fires: Climate change & bushfires — More rain, the same droughts, no trend, no science These are articles by Nova, from her blog. They are listed chronologically, newest first. This is excellent analysis, ongoing and detailed. Many of the comments are highly informative as well. Comment numbers are at the time of this post. Support the Climate Change Debate Education Project here: 1. Inferno on Black Friday 1939: 71 […]

Facebook Glitch Reveals Father, UN Activist Behind Greta Thunberg’s Facebook Page. Greta Responds. By Amanda Prestigiacomo On Thursday, a Facebook glitch revealed who’s posting on climate change alarmist Greta Thunberg’s Facebook page: her father Svantes Thunberg and “Climate Crisis activist” Adarsh Prathap. “[A] bug that was live from Thursday evening until Friday morning allowed anyone to easily reveal the accounts running a Page, essentially doxing anyone who […]

Greta’s Facebook Posts Written By Her Father By Paul Homewood Michael Smith has found out with the help of a Facebook glitch who writes Greta’s posts:   And so does Adarsh Prathap.   Who is Adarsh? An Indian delegate to the UN Climate Change Secretariat. Small world huh!    

Facebook Bug Shows Greta Thunberg’s Father Posting As Teen Activist BY TYLER DURDEN ON JAN 13, 2020. POSTED IN LATEST NEWS A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired. The result? For starters, some 3 million followers of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg have been reading posts written by her […]

On Facebook Greta looks 16, but secretly identifies as two grown men By Jo Nova On Facebook no one knows you are a puppet — until a bug reveals who edits your posts. Such a bug happened on Thursday and by Friday people on 4chan had pointed out that Greta’s facebook posts were being done by her father and some guy in India called Adarsh Prathap. thanks […]

Greta Busted by tonyheller Michael J. Smith took advantage of a brief Facebook bug to find out who writes Greta’s Facebook posts.   Facebook glitch reveals Indian UN climate delegate posts as Greta Thunberg – Michael Smith News Greta’s father uses her as a human shield, then worries that she is under attack. Greta Thunberg’s dad worries […]

Climate Kid Greta Thunberg Demands World Abandon Fossil Fuel Investment ‘RIGHT NOW’ by Joe Newby And Jeff Dunetz | Jan 13, 2020 | Climate In an op-ed published by the Guardian on January 10, teenage climate kid Greta Thunberg, allegedly speaking along with 20 others, demanded the world abandon all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, “right now.” “We demand that at this year’s forum, participants from all companies, banks, institutions, […]