‘I get so worked up I can’t sleep’ – Jane Fonda Slams GOP, Praises Green New Deal in Press Club Speech – Laments what ‘the fossil fuel industry has done to us’



Left-wing activist and actress Jane Fonda delivered a speech Tuesday slamming Republicans, praising the Green New Deal, and denouncing the energy industry for destroying the earth.

The climate change activist appeared before the National Press Club in Washington for an hour-long speech and Q&A session in which she advocated for drastic measures to be taken to stave off global warming.

As she took the podium, the Oscar-winning actress said that worries over climate change had consumed her life.

“You know, I lie in bed at night searching for the right words that will galvanize people to action around the climate emergency and show them why it’s too late for moderation,” Fonda said, adding that she fears about what “the fossil fuel industry has done to us.”

“I get so worked up I can’t sleep,” she continued.

Fonda immediately launched into a broadside against the fossil fuel industry, claiming that they “knew” their product was “causing” global warming over thirty years ago and accused them of being “worse” than big tobacco.

“The difference is that tobacco companies were primarily harming people who smoke. The fossil fuel companies are harming the entire planet and all its inhabitants,” she said.

Fonda went on to accuse the Koch brothers and conservative think tank the Heartland Foundation of pushing “false science” to quell fears about global warming.

She further condemned the fracking industry and Republicans such as Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey. “Several Republicans, notably Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, have introduced resolutions prohibiting a unilateral moratorium on fracking by a president – just in case – next November a pro-climate president is elected,” she said.
