PBS’s Amanpour Frets Increase in Climate Skeptics, ‘Getting Worse’

https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/brad-wilmouth/2019/11/19/pbss-amanpour-frets-increase-climate-skeptics-getting-worse By Brad Wilmouth | November 20, 2019 12:15 AM EST During Monday’s Amanpour & Company on PBS (and CNN International), host Christiane Amanpour spent much of her show discussing the issue of climate change allegedly caused by global warming, and at one point negatively characterized word that there has been an increase in global warming skepticism in other countries […]

Young Activists Kick off a Climate Hunger Strike by Occupying Nancy Pelosi’s Office – Will only eat ‘once they talk to her for one hour—on camera’

https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2019/11/young-activists-kick-off-a-climate-hunger-strike-by-occupying-nancy-pelosis-office/ By EMILY HOLDEN Young activists frustrated and frightened by Democrats’ inaction on the climate crisis occupied the office of the top Democrat in Congress on Monday to mark the beginning of a hunger strike. The roughly 20 strikers and their supporters, with Extinction Rebellion, are taking part in a global climate hunger strike that nearly […]

Watch: John Stossel Climate Video: ‘Are We Doomed?’ Why won’t the other side debate?’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8JZo6PzpCU&list=WL&index=2&t=64s John Stossel Climate alarmists spread myths and declare impending doom. ——– Don’t miss a single video from Stossel TV, sign up here: https://johnstossel.activehosted.com/f/1 ——— “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change!” says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Really? 12 years? John Stossel recently moderated a debate held by […]

Cambridge Prof – UK’s Green Energy Targets Require ‘Herds of Unicorns’

https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/11/13/prof-uk-green-energy-targets-require-herds-of-unicorns/ The green energy targets being pursued by Britain’s main political parties are so impossibly deluded, fantastical and overambitious that they could only be achievable with the intervention of herds of magical unicorns. So says Cambridge engineering professor Michael Kelly in a stinging rebuke to the Net Zero policies currently being championed by Boris Johnson […]

‘Patently false’ to claim health and climate benefits from closure of American coal plants

The HARRY READ ME File Testifying before Indiana’s 21st Century Energy Task Force, electricity markets expert and regulatory attorney, Mike Nasi, advises Indiana policymakers that it’s ‘patently false’ for anyone to claim health benefits from the closure of coal power plants. Mike Nasi: “It is absolutely false to keep on claiming benefits of pollution reduction […]

Steve Milloy: President Trump’s Energy Victory Lap on his ‘energy dominance’ policy

https://www.insidesources.com/trumps-energy-victory-lap/ by Steve Milloy President Trump is taking a well-deserved victory lap on his “energy dominance” policy. Speaking at the Shale Insight conference last week in Pittsburgh, Trump recounted a number of his energy policy accomplishments that have unleashed the American energy industry. Not only is America energy independent for the first time in generations […]

Settled Science: Scientists: CO2 Causes Cooling When Not Causing Warming And It’s A ‘Weak’ To ‘Negligible’ Climate Factor

https://notrickszone.com/2019/11/14/scientists-co2-causes-cooling-when-not-causing-warming-and-its-a-weak-to-negligible-climate-factor/ By Kenneth Richard It’s been acknowledged by mainstream scientists for years now that at certain locations on planet Earth, rising carbon dioxide levels cause cooling. It’s now been determined that rising CO2 also causes “negligible” cooling (or warming) depending on the season. A few years ago a seminal paper (Schmithüsen et al., 2015) was published in Geophysical Research […]

Physicist Dr. Ralph Alexander: Ocean Heating: How the UN IPCC Distorts the Evidence

https://www.scienceunderattack.com/blog/2019/11/18/ocean-heating-how-the-ipcc-distorts-the-evidence-39 Ocean Heating: How the IPCC Distorts the Evidence By Physicist Dr. Ralph Alexander Part of the drumbeat accompanying the narrative of catastrophic human-caused warming involves hyping or distorting the supposed evidence, as I’ve demonstrated in recent posts on ice sheets, sea ice, sea levels and extreme weather. Another gauge of a warming climate is […]