BBC features Morano in 10 year Climategate anniversary whitewash – Climate Depot corrects Delingpole: ‘Climategate Was Fake News,’ Lies the BBC… By James Delingpole The risible section of last night’s Newsnight which the BBC had cobbled together in a sad, desperate, and unconvincing attempt to debunk the Climategate scandal. Climategate is fast approaching its tenth anniversary (which falls in November). Naturally the BBC — as one of the […]

Climate scare machine — happy to use people with a mental illness as a promotional tool So some people have a mental illness. Unbridled, baseless Climate-Panic makes that worse. Now those victims are advertising material: Climate Despair is making people give up on life By Jo Nova Mike Pearl, Vice. There’s nothing like a bit of unprecedented misery made possible by unprecedented history denial: “This is painful,” [Renee] Lertzman said. […]

Japanese Climate Expert Rips NASA Temperature Trends As Having ‘No Scientific Value’ – ‘Not Real Data’ NASA GISS Surface Station Temperature Trends Based On Sheer Guess Work, Made-Up Data, Says Japanese Climate Expert By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Whenever NASA GISS announces how recent global temperatures are much hotter than, for example, 100 years ago, just how statistically reliable are such statements? Most will agree, based mainly on sundry observations, that […]