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‘Climate Change Your Mind’ – Rebuts Fear-mongering Canadian Government Report with Evidence says Friends of Science

Friends of Science Society has issued a new report entitled “Climate Change Your Mind” in response to the Canadian government’s “Canada’s Changing Climate Report” (CCCR2019) which was released April 2, 2019, the day after the very unpopular national carbon tax was introduced. Friends of Science says the Canadian government report is filled with highly speculative statements, extreme scenario simulations, and fear mongering claims about floods, wildfires and droughts that are not based on evidence. Friends of Science Society calls on the Canadian government to retract “Canada’s Changing Climate Report – CCCR2019.”

By contrast, “Climate Change Your Mind” is a plain language report for the general public, prepared by Friends of Science. “Climate Change Your Mind” offers evidence to calm public fears and set some context and perspective on the wild claims related to an alleged ‘climate emergency’ – a concept dreamed up by a psychologist, not a climate scientist.

The Canadian government report claims the multi-billion dollar 2013 spring flooding in Calgary was related to human-caused global warming, when the evidence shows that eight of the worst floods in Calgary occurred before 1930, as reported by The Weather Network, June 25, 2013.

The Canadian government report also claims that Fort McMurray wildfires of 2016 were driven by human-caused climate change, a claim that is not supported by wildfire records from several reporting agencies. Friends of Science report “Climate Change Your Mind” provides records from the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, Inc., showing that all the wildfires at the time of the Fort McMurray wildfire were human caused. The wildfire risk maps from Natural Resources Canada’s fire weather maps of May 4, 2016, show an extremely high wildfire risk, one that dissipated within weeks with the advent of spring rain.

The Canadian government climate report also claims the 2017 and 2018 wildfires across British Columbia were due to human-caused climate change; in fact, they were largely due to arsonists, as reported in the press.

Friends of Science Society is particularly critical of the use of the Representative Concentrated Pathway 8.5 (RCP 8.5) used through the Canadian government report, saying most climate science experts reject this as the least likely scenario. As Roger Pielke, Jr. notes in his article in the summer 2018 edition of “Issues in Science and Technology” – this fearmongering forecast is typically used in academic reports because “the scenario generates very high carbon dioxide emissions, …thus lends continued urgency to calls for emissions reductions, ….RCP 8.5 can also be deployed to demonstrate large impacts of climate change today.”

Friends of Science says the Canadian government is trying to frighten citizens into compliance on carbon taxes, when perfectly valid questions have been raised about the effectiveness of a carbon tax, its detrimental effect on the economy, and scientific validity of claiming carbon dioxide causes climate change, as outlined in their report “Just the Facts on Carbon Tax.”

Dr. Willie Soon’s presentation to Friends of Science of April 10, 2019, showed how the sun drives climate change. There is no evidence of carbon dioxide impacts on the long-term daytime temperature record in Canada according to his study.


Friends of Science Society is an independent group of earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers, and citizens who are celebrating its 16th year of offering climate science insights. After a thorough review of a broad spectrum of literature on climate change, Friends of Science Society has concluded that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2).
