Study: Green New Deal Would Have ‘No Effect’ On Earth’s Climate by Rusty Weiss And Jeff Dunetz | 70SHARES Share Tweet A new study published by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) disputes the idea that the Green New Deal would have any effect on the environment, concluding that the impact would be minimal at best. The environmental pipe dream brought to you by the Democrat […]

Newsweek slams ‘smiley Morano’ on Fox & Friends for accurately declaring CO2 is NOT ‘pollution’ – Morano responds

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano, the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, came under fire by the mainstream media for accurately rejecting the notion that carbon dioxide is “pollution.” Watch Morano’s full Fox News Channel segment here: Newsweek rips ‘smiling Morano.” for the CO2 comment. Newsweek wrote April 30, 2019: “First of all, […]

Global Warming Going the way of Russia Collusion – Warmists ‘keep telling us that snow is a thing of the past’ By Brian C. Joondeph The global warming chicken littles keep telling us that snow is a thing of the past and we had better get used to it, along with a warming planet. In 2000, British newspaper The Independent ran this headline, “Snowfalls are just a thing of the past.” In 2014, The New […]

But didn’t the Paris pact already save the planet?! UN climate chief warns of ‘catastrophe’ if world leaders continue to dawdle – Window to prevent irreparable harm is ‘closing very soon’ UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. climate chief says world leaders must recognize there is no option except to speed-up and scale-up action to tackle global warming, warning that continuing on the current path will lead to “a catastrophe.” Patricia Espinosa stressed in two recent interviews with the Associated Press that climate scientists are saying […]

Green Energy Wars: Solar Energy Threatened By Wind Lobby

Green Energy Wars: Solar Energy Threatened By Wind Lobby Green Energy Wars: Solar Energy Threatened By Wind Lobby by bennypeiser The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)Apr 26, 2019 The threat is coming from an unlikely source, a utility known as an alternative energy champion for its installation of thousands of wind turbines across the […]

‘Defective climate science projections:’EPA Still Telling Americans to Brace for Climate Change Impacts

EPA Still Telling Americans to Brace for Climate Change Impacts Guest essay by Eric Worrall Since defective climate science projections produced by federal agencies still stand uncorrected, the EPA continues to use those defective climate science projections to create a cascade of defective recommendations. New EPA document tells communities to brace for climate change […]

Report: AOC used ‘Earth Day fun run’ to FOOL supporters into donating money to her campaign

AOC used ‘Earth Day fun run’ to FOOL supporters into donating money to her campaign By Jon Dougherty For a little socially conscience ‘reformer,’ one of Congress’ newest Marxists, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has quickly adopted the ways of her Democrat colleagues, as evidenced by the ‘bait-and-switch’ act she pulled over the weekend. Ocasio-Cortez sponsored a […]

CLIMATE ACTIVISTS AREN’T IMPRESSED WITH BETO’S CLIMATE PLAN By MICHAEL BASTASCH Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s $5 trillion climate change plan has not enthused far-left environmentalists, who say it doesn’t go as far as the Green New Deal. “Beto claims to support the Green New Deal, but his plan is out of line with [the] timeline it lays out and the scale […]