Carbon Tax Opponents Keep On Winning GWPF Newsletter 18/04/19 Carbon Tax Opponents Keep On Winning Did David Attenborough’s Film Crew Scare Walruses To Death? Progressives keep touting the carbon tax as inevitable, but then why does it always lose at the ballot box? In 2014 Australia repealed a carbon tax two years after it was imposed. Last year French President […]

‘Extinction Rebellion’ climate activists plot to shut down HEATHROW tomorrow as millions start Easter Getaway EXTINCTION Rebellion eco-warriors are plotting to shut down Heathrow Airport tomorrow as millions get ready for their Easter holidays. Activists – who have already caused chaos across the capital by blocking landmarks for the past four days – said they were “raising the bar” to target the busiest airport in the UK ahead of the long […]

‘Extinction Rebellion’: the climate activist movement with global ambitions London (AFP) Activists climb atop buses, glue themselves to buildings and block traffic as Extinction Rebellion expands its campaign of civil disobedience. The climate change pressure group has become a household name in Britain this week amid protests that have brought key parts of the capital to a standstill and seen hundreds arrested. The […]

Warmists engage in delusional fantasies: WITH A GREEN NEW DEAL, HERE’S WHAT THE WORLD COULD LOOK LIKE FOR THE NEXT GENERATION By Kate Aronoff IT’S THE SPRING of 2043, and Gina is graduating college with the rest of her class. She had a relatively stable childhood. Her parents availed themselves of some of the year of paid family leave they were entitled to, and after that she was dropped off at a free child care program. […]

TIME Mag’s 100 most influential people INCLUDES 16-YEAR-OLD CLIMATE ACTIVIST By MICHAEL BASTASCH TIME listed Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate change activist, on its list of the 100 most influential people of 2019. Thunberg, who says she has Asperger syndrome, gained prominence for ditching school every Friday to protest outside Swedish parliament. The teenager warned in a high-profile speech to the United Nations last […]

Ocasio-Cortez Makes A ‘How My Green New Deal Saved The World’ Video by Jeff Dunetz The video’s script was written by Socialist/America hater Naiomi Klein, produced by the environment organization Sunrise Movement, and published by Glenn Greenwald’s site, The Intercept. The sad part of the video is near the end when AOC reveals that even in her fantasy world “when hurricane Sheldon hit southern Florida parts […]