We need to protect our health system from Climate-change-doctors
Doctors are at it again trying to scare people about “climate change”. But all around the world, in every study in every city humans die more from the cold than they do from the heat (and by six to 20 times more). That’s thousands of lives and it happens every single year. Don’t these doctors know anything? Attributable fraction of deaths: Heat, cold and temperature variability together resulted in 42,414 deaths during the study period, accounting for about 6.0% of all deaths. Most of attributable deaths were due to cold (61.4%), and noticeably, contribution from temperature variability [TV] (28.0%) was greater than that from heat (10.6%). Cheng et al.The awful truth that incompetent self-serving doctors forgot to mention was that cooler room temperatures allow viruses to survive longer, which is just one of many reasons the Flu Season is always worse in winter. Break my heart, if “climate change” is real the only thing the docs have to worry about is whether they’ll earn less money in winter. Here’s the headline: Health system needs to be protected from climate change: doctors Here’s the real news: The health system needs to be protected from climate-change-doctors. We can’t afford […]Rating: 9.3/10 (12 votes cast)
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