WaPo Claim: ‘How Trump’s border crisis is driven by climate change’

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/04/16/how-trumps-border-crisis-is-driven-by-climate-change/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8136affcf74b By Ishaan Tharoor – Reporter covering foreign affairs, geopolitics and history (Jose Cabezas/Reuters) For months, President Trump has tweeted and raged about the ongoing migration crisis along the U.S. southern border. His alarm over the continued influx of Central American migrant families seeking to claim asylum in the United States — and his government’s seeming […]

John Kerry: Ocasio-Cortez offered ‘more leadership in one day’ than Trump on climate

https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/438041-john-kerry-ocasio-cortez-offered-more-leadership-in-one-day-than Former Secretary of State John Kerry defended freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday for offering “more leadership in one day or one week than President Trump has in his lifetime” on climate change. The House Oversight and Reform Committee meeting where Kerry testified was meant to address the intersection of climate change and national security, but several Republicans on […]

China’s Mammoth Coal Industry Gets Bigger, Crowding Out Imports

China’s Mammoth Coal Industry Gets Bigger, Crowding Out Imports http://www.thegwpf.com/chinas-mammoth-coal-industry-gets-bigger-crowding-out-imports/ China’s Mammoth Coal Industry Gets Bigger, Crowding Out Imports by bennypeiser The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)Apr 10, 2019 A year of plenty for China’s coal industry will probably mean a slump in imports, with miners in Australia likely to be the hardest hit. The […]

Flying cars could save us from climate change

Flying cars could save us from climate change https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3741015/posts Maybe the Jetsons were climate change activists? A new study shows that the cartoon family was on to something when they used a flying car for transportation. Several companies and even agencies such as NASA have been scrambling to create flying cars, hoping to launch the […]

Netflix’s and Attenborough’s walrus tragedy porn

Netflix’s and Attenborough’s walrus tragedy porn https://www.cfact.org/2019/04/12/netflixs-and-attenboroughs-walrus-tragedy-porn/ Does anyone truly believe that had we only foregone modern transportation and electricity, one less walrus would have fallen from that cliff? The post Netflix’s and Attenborough’s walrus tragedy porn appeared first on CFACT. — News+

CO2 Innocent – John Kerry’s Pseudo-Science Exposed

CO2 Innocent – John Kerry’s Pseudo-Sceience Exposed https://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2019/04/co2-innocent-john-kerrys-pseudo.html CO2 Innocent – John Kerry’s Pseudo-Sceience Exposed by Geoff The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics BlogApr 11, 2019 When Former Secretary of State John Kerry provided testimony over climate change in a House Oversight hearing he didn’t expect that his (and all the alarmists’) pseudo-science would be […]

Hopeful “Climate President” Jay Inslee Stumped By Basic Question On Recycling

Hopeful “Climate President” Jay Inslee Stumped By Basic Question On Recycling https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3741604/posts If you haven’t heard – and you probably haven’t – Washington Governor Jay Inslee is running for president. Additionally, he’s making environmentalism his signature issue. He thinks that embracing the eco-left is his ticket to the presidency, and he hopes he can become […]

Why did YouTube demonetize World’s largest Climate Change video channel?

Why did YouTube demonetize World’s largest Climate Change video channel? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/04/14/why-did-youtube-demonetize-worlds-largest-climate-change-video-channel/ From CLIMATESTATE This is not the story you might first think it is. This is coming from a CAGW promoting site.~ctm We created two YouTube channels for science. This was back in 2011, a time when the video platform was dominated by videos from […]

‘Our Planet’ film crew is still lying about walrus cliff deaths: here’s how we know

‘Our Planet’ film crew is still lying about walrus cliff deaths: here’s how we know http://polarbearscience.com/2019/04/14/our-planet-film-crew-is-still-lying-about-walrus-cliff-deaths-heres-how-we-know/ ‘Our Planet’ film crew is still lying about walrus cliff deaths: here’s how we know by susanjcrockford polarbearscience | Polar bear science – past and presentApr 14, 2019 Last week, I called “contrived nonsense” on the claim by David […]

INTENSE: Climate Change Activists Glue Themselves To London Street Furniture

INTENSE: Climate Change Activists Glue Themselves To London Street Furniture https://www.dailywire.com/news/46001/intense-climate-change-activists-glue-themselves-hank-berrien INTENSE: Climate Change Activists Glue Themselves To London Street Furniture by Hank Berrien Daily WireYesterday, 17:48 On Monday, as thousands of demonstrators clogged the streets of central London to trumpet their concerns about climate change, some went even further, gluing themselves to street furniture.