Trump urged ‘to stand up to Climate Totalitarians’ & set up Presidential climate commission Anti-science totalitarians want to silence climate security commission By Paul Driessen| March 8th, 2019|Climate|1 Comment Democrats, climate campaigners and renewable energy interests are in full outrage mode over news that President Trump intends to launch a Presidential Committee on Climate Science. He should do it now. The PCCS would, at long last, review and question the “dangerous […]
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER PLANNING TO SUE OIL COMPANIES TO FORCE CLIMATE POLICIES By Jason Hopkins A spokesman for Arnold Schwarzenegger said the former governor and famous movie actor is still pursuing his options to sue oil companies for “first degree murder.” “We’ve had consistent meetings with a team of legal experts who focus on environmental law and ways to sue for pollution, so we have continued […]
Senator Pushes for ‘Climate Provisions’ in Transportation Bill – Must make transportation systems ‘resilient to increasingly severe weather and extreme weather events’ An infrastructure bill would struggle to improve the country’s transportation network if it lacks language to address threats from severe weather events, the top Democrat on the Senate’s surface transportation panel said March 6. “We must ensure that we are planning and designing transportation systems that are sustainable and resilient to increasingly severe weather […]
Greenpeace co-founder: ‘Global warming’ is ‘strictly a fear campaign’ – It has taken ‘over science with superstition…& combo of religion and political ideology’ Greenpeace Founder: Global Warming Hoax Pushed by Corrupt Scientists ‘Hooked on Government Grants’ By Robert Kraychik Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the cynical and corrupt machinations fueling the narrative of anthropocentric global warming and “climate change” in a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour […]
Explaining ‘global warming’: The new role of the TV weathercaster (CNN)When most people tune in to their local TV news station, they’re used to learning whether it’s going to rain tomorrow from the trusted, familiar voice of their favorite TV meteorologist or weathercaster. Increasingly, those viewers are also learning about the effects of climate change in their own communities from those same trusted voices. […]