Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Justifies Her MASSIVE Carbon Footprint: I’m Just ‘Living In This World’
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Justifies Her MASSIVE Carbon Footprint: I’m Just ‘Living In This World’ Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has responded to reports that, despite being the author of the extreme environmental legislation known as the Green New Deal, she has a far larger carbon footprint than the average American, and does not appear to have […]
OCASIO-CORTEZ INVITED TO DEBATE CLIMATE SKEPTICS AT CPAC — THEY EVEN SAVED HER A SEAT BY MICHAEL BASTASCH The CO2 Coalition offered Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez an open invitation to come and debate them. Dr. Caleb Rossiter, the coalition’s director, made the offer at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference. Rossiter challenged the global warming “catastrophe” endorsed by Ocasio-Cortez and others. Skeptics of global warming “catastrophe” have an extended an offer for […]
Gas-guzzling car rides expose Ocasio-Cortez amid Green Deal pledge – She ‘keeps tripping over her own giant carbon footprint’
Gas-guzzling car rides expose Ocasio-Cortez amid Green Deal pledge… By Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein Excerpt: Since declaring her candidacy in May 2017, Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign heavily relied on those combustible-engine cars — even though a subway station was just 138 feet from her Elmhurst campaign office. She listed 1,049 transactions for Uber, Lyft, Juno […]
Trump’s ‘Energy Dominance’ Agenda Is Breaking Russia’s Grip On Poland Natural gas from the U.S. is flooding Polish markets as the European country seeks to loosen Russia’s grip on its energy security, The New York Times reports. Russia supplies roughly half of Poland’s fuel, but long-term contracts with American companies signed by Poland’s state-owned gas giant PGNiG could displace all of Russia’s supply. U.S.-based companies Cheniere Energy, Venture Global […]
Europe’s popular right on the rise — replacing fake conservatives — threaten Climate Gravy-train
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee enters 2020 presidential race, to focus on climate change Washington Gov. Jay Inslee says he will emphasize climate change during his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. “We’re the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, and we’re the last that can do something about it,” the 67-year-old governor says in a video announcing his candidacy. “Our country’s next mission must […]
New Santer Climate Study Claim: 97% Consensus is now 99.99997%! Climatologist debunks: ‘Climate models are programmed to only produce human-caused warming’ by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. A new paper in Nature Climate Change by Santer et al. (paywalled) claims that the 40 year record of global tropospheric temperatures agrees with climate model simulations of anthropogenic global warming so well that there is less than a 1 in 3.5 million chance (5 sigma, one-tailed test) that the agreement between […]
New models based & media hyped study claiming the ‘gold standard’ of AGW proof is ‘unwarranted…statistical modeling can never do that’ From Dr Judith Curry’s Climate Etc Posted on March 1, 2019 by curryja by Ross McKitrick Ben Santer et al. have a new paper out in Nature Climate Change arguing that with 40 years of satellite data available they can detect the anthropogenic influence in the mid-troposphere at a 5-sigma level of confidence. This, they point out, is the “gold standard” […]