Winning! Warmists write at CNN: ‘EPA nominee Andrew Wheeler is even worse than Scott Pruitt’

By Ken Kimmel, the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit science advocacy organization. The views expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion on CNN.

(CNN)When Scott Pruitt stepped down as the Environmental Protection Agency administrator and his deputy Andrew Wheeler took over as acting administrator, many of us in the science advocacy community thought that it couldn’t get worse. We hoped that Wheeler would listen to his agency’s scientists and alter Pruitt’s misguided policies of eliminating science-based policies and rolling back lifesaving climate and public health protections.

The Senate, which will soon vote on whether to confirm Wheeler as EPA administrator, should know this hasn’t happened. Instead, Wheeler has continued to advance an agenda focused on undermining safeguards upon which Americans rely to keep their air and water safe.

