‘How do you F*CKING SLEEP AT NIGHT!?’ Warmists attack Morano for accurately promoting fossil fuel development – Called racist, ‘welfare queen’, ‘nitwit’ – ‘treason’

Warmists are freaking out at me for this factual statement. Marc Morano on Fox & Friends – January 3, 2019:

Morano: “Everyone’s for energy efficiency for a clean environment. Oddly, the more carbon-based fuels you can introduce in the developing world — Africa, South America, Asia — the cleaner the environment gets. You have less people burning dung in their huts, you have less people dumping sewage into the rivers, because you get infrastructure. So, carbon-based fuels actually improve the environment.”


Warmists react to Morano’s comments! See:  Media Matters: On Fox & Friends, climate denier attacks proposed Green New Deal: “Carbon-based fuels actually improve the environment”  & 

Daily Beast: ‘Fox & Friends’ Guest: Fossil Fuels ‘Actually Improve the Environment’ – Warmist claim: “In fact, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and too much of it (which we have) will likely kill us.”

My statement was correct. See:

Reality Check:The Environmental Case for Fossil Fuels: ‘Fossil fuels have made our environment amazingly good’ -‘The difference between a healthy environment and an unhealthy environment can be summed up in one word, and it’s not ‘CO2’ or ‘climate’ or ‘temperature.’ It’s ‘development.’

Alex Epstein: Today’s industrialized environment is the cleanest, healthiest in history. If you want to see what “dirty” looks like, go to a country that is still living in “natural,” pre-industrial times. Try choking on the natural smoke of a natural open fire burning natural wood or animal dung—the kind of air pollution that has been almost eliminated by modern, centralized power plants. Try getting your water from a local brook that is naturally infested with the natural germs of all the local animals—the once-perennial threat that modern, fossil-fuel-powered water purification systems eliminate.

Lomborg: ‘For the most important environmental issues, economic growth has solved problems, not created them’ – Bjorn Lomborg: “For the most important environmental issues, economic growth has solved problems, not created them. The cleanest places are not the poorest countries, but the richer economies that have cleaned up their act. As societies become richer, individuals can afford to stop worrying about food and sanitation, and to start worrying about the environment. Indoor air pollution is the world’s biggest environmental killer, claiming lives because poor people burn dung and wood for cooking and heating. As societies get richer, people can afford cleaner technology. In 1990, indoor air pollution caused more than 8% of deaths; in 2016 it was 4.7%. Each year 1.2 million fewer people die from indoor air pollution, despite an increase in population.” “The world’s forests tell a similar story. For most of human history, trees were decimated wherever humans settled. Higher agricultural yields and changing attitudes have meant rich countries are increasingly preserving forests and reforesting.”

2018 World Health Organization:

  • Around 3 billion people cook using polluting open fires or simple stoves fuelled by kerosene, biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal.
  • Each year, close to 4 million people die prematurely from illness attributable to household air pollution from inefficient cooking practices using polluting stoves paired with solid fuels and kerosene.
  • Household air pollution causes noncommunicable diseases including stroke, ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.
  • Close to half of deaths due to pneumonia among children under 5 years of age are caused by particulate matter (soot) inhaled from household air pollution.

Videos on using dung in developing world: Here & Here

Morano: And, beyond that, everyone wants efficiency, but you don’t ban energy that works and mandate energy that’s nowhere ready for prime time, all this so-called renewable. And that’s what they’re going after here.


How the political Left and climate activists reacted to my comments:

Young Turks TV smears Morano:

“hack named Marc Morano…fascinating bouquet of racism and corruption…there is not one real person who is going to that site seriously…nitwit you know what he is Marc Morano is a welfare queen and he takes welfare from the right wing to lie to you and make these preposterous statements…”

Warmists Cenk Uygur, Mona Shaikh, Jayar Jackson, and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks – A guest of the show reports that carbon-based fuels “actually improve the environment.” Marc Morano, who founded the conservative news site ClimateDepot.com on the ideals of “climate realism,” which disputes the scientific consensus on fossil fuels contributing to climate change, laughed and called Sanders “silly” for writing that politicians today must “look at climate change as if it were a devastating military attack against the United States and the entire planet.” Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Mona Shaikh, Jayar Jackson Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Mona Shaikh, Jayar Jackson ***

Automated Transcript: 

Recently Bernie Sanders tweeted about the need for Environmental Protection’s something that Bernie Sanders is
expected to do and I’m glad that he’s still raising awareness about it now Fox News is not a fan of that type of talk
so they invited some hack named Marc Morano to come on to talk about how fossil fuels are actually great for the
So he runs a site called Climate Depot…makes a ridiculous argument about how fossil fuels are actually better for the environment because people aren’t burning dung in their huts anymore yeah I mean look he that was a such a fascinating bouquet of racism and corruption wrapped into one.
Yeah we should burn more fossil fuels that’s what I’m paid to say look at these primitive people they would be better off you know without putting the sewage in the water. I mean that was unreal but so when I saw that he was in Climate Depot  I was like there is not one real person who is going to that site seriously waste I was like I want to find out more about how climate change isn’t real okay I’m gonna find out how about how all designed this in the world are wrong I can’t wait to go to Climate Depot… no nitwit you know what he is Marc Morano is a welfare queen and he takes welfare from the right wing to lie to you and make these preposterous statements.
Samples of Hate Mail to Climate Depot:
Anonymous [email protected] via mail.wpengine.com
Sun, Jan 6, 12:24 PM (1 day ago)
to morano** This is a contact submission made from a widget on Climate Depot **From: Anonymous
Email: [email protected]
Message: I enjoy your FAKE NEWS site. I saw you lying on Fox News about fossil fuels being ‘better for the environment’ and it made me laugh so hard I thought I’d see if your site is for real. Did you know you’re listed as one of the Premiere Fake News sites of 2019? You’re on several lists that present the most PHONY bullshit and your site has been entered in a contest to see who presented the biggest lies to the public.
So my question is: how do you FUCKING SLEEP AT NIGHT!? Do you realize that you represent TREASON?? What you’re doing by lying to American is a form of TREASON. Putting lies in to the MSM is a form of TREASON, and you’ll be busted for your lies and I hope to see your asses INDICTED for your nonsense. GO FUCK YOURSELF!


Anonymous [email protected] via mail.wpengine.com
Sun, Jan 6, 9:17 AM (1 day ago)
to morano

** This is a contact submission made from a widget on Climate Depot **

From: Anonymous
Email: [email protected]
Message: The world thanks you for your endless crusade to stop the burning of dung in houses. How does it feel to be lampooned across the world for your cunning insight on Fox News?


Anonymous [email protected] via mail.wpengine.com
Thu, Jan 3, 12:40 PM (4 days ago)
to morano

** This is a contact submission made from a widget on Climate Depot **

From: Anonymous
Email: [email protected]
Message: Fossil Fuels ‘Actually Improve the Environment’ Are you a fucking moron. Shut the fuck up you idiot. Fossil Fuels destroy people lives with cancer and other diseases.



