Climate Change to Destroy National Parks… Film at Eleven.

Climate Change to Destroy National Parks… Film at Eleven. Guest ridicule by David Middleton Note: The featured image is of thankfully former President Obama babbling about climate change at Yosemite National Park in 2016. While not part of the article being addressed in this post… It’s sort of a prequel to it. From “The […]

Oh noes! More CO2 will cause plants to thicken their leaves

Oh noes! More CO2 will cause plants to thicken their leaves High CO2 levels cause plants to thicken their leaves, could worsen climate change effects Plant scientists have observed that when levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise, most plants do something unusual: They thicken their leaves. And since human activity is raising […]

Analysis: No Trend In Arctic Summer Sea Ice For Twelve Years by Tony Heller Meanwhile, the New York Times says the “old ice is disappearing.” In the Arctic, the Old Ice Is Disappearing – The New York Times This is impressive, because nine years ago experts said the old ice was effectively gone. Apparently it has gone lower than zero since then. Multiyear Arctic ice is […]