Myron Ebell: Andrew Wheeler keeps low profile at the Environmental Protection Agency By Myron Ebell The new acting administrator, Andrew Wheeler, is fully committed to the president’s agenda: Opposing view (Photo: Alex Edelman/AP) CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt was driven from office by a steady drumbeat of allegations of personal misconduct. Now that this orchestrated campaign has succeeded, environmental groups hope his departure will […]

Acting EPA chief promises ‘change in tone,’ new emphasis on transparency By BY TIMOTHY CAMA – 07/09/18 04:40 PM EDT The acting head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is promising to improve how the agency communicates with the public and the media, with a new focus on agency transparency. John Konkus, the top spokesman for acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, said in a statement […]

Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh Could Reinterpret Environmental Law By Fatima Hussein Judge Brett Kavanaugh is President Donald Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. During his time on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the former clerk for Kennedy and staff secretary for President George W. Bush earned a reputation for […]

Greens lament: Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Is ‘Consistently Anti-Environment’ BuzzFeed Quizzes Tasty As/Is More Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Is “Consistently Anti-Environment” “I call him Lord Voldemort,” conservation lawyer Bill Snape said about Kavanaugh. Posted on July 9, 2018, at 9:46 p.m. Dan Vergano Dan Vergano Judge Brett Kavanaugh with President Donald Trump. In naming Brett Kavanaugh as his pick for the Supreme Court’s […]

Brett Kavanagh during arguments over legality of Clean Power Plan: ‘Global warming is not a blank check’ – Judge Could Put A Serious Damper On EPA Power Grab THIS POTENTIAL SUPREME COURT PICK PUT A SERIOUS DAMPER ON EPA POWER GRABS 2:31 PM 07/03/2018 By Michael Bastasch Judge Brett Kavanaugh, one of President Donald Trump’s top choices to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the U.S. Supreme Court, has played a role in reining in executive branch agencies. Kavanaugh, one of the most […]

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in 2016 court case: ‘The earth is warming. Humans are contributing. I understand the international impact and the problem of the commons. The pope’s involved’ At a 2016 argument over Mr. Obama’s climate change regulations, he indicated that environmental policy should be decided by Congress rather than the courts. “The policy is laudable,” he said. “The earth is warming. Humans are contributing. I understand the international impact and the problem of the commons. The pope’s involved. And I understand […]

METEOROLOGIST: RECORD TEMPERATURE READINGS THROUGHOUT LOS ANGELES CAUSED BY ‘FAULTY WEATHER STATIONS’ BY MICHAEL BASTASCH Nearly every record-high temperature reported over the last few days in the Los Angeles area are from weather stations “compromised by heat sources and heat sinks,” according to a veteran meteorologist. “In my opinion, the data from these stations is worthless,” California-based meteorologist Anthony Watts wrote on his blog Watts Up With That. That’s […]

Hurricanes Fell Silent as African Dust Clouded Skies in the U.S. Brian K. Sullivan 9 July 2018, 9:55 AM9 July 2018, 7:00 AM (Bloomberg) — What can give you itchy eyes, replenish the rain forest and bring a hurricane to its knees? Dry and dusty African air. The coffee-colored atmospheric swirl, captured by satellites last week, blew across the ocean all the way to Houston. […]

Counter UN climate report: ‘3,000 pages, 10,000 footnotes say don’t blame mankind’ Excerpt: Extensive “Climate Change Reconsidered” series of reports to Pruitt, totaling more than 3,000 pages. A letter accompanying reports, which contain some 10,000 footnotes, explained the evidence could be used to respond to the judge’s demand. Heartland’s president, former congressman Tim Huelskamp, explained to Pruitt: “We have no doubt that PEER, with the assistance of […]

New York Times claims skeptics’ Arctic ice claims are ‘NOT REAL NEWS’ – But reality agrees with skeptics by tonyheller Arctic sea ice thickness has been increasing for the past twelve years, and is up 44% since 2012. I calculated this by dividing DMI volume by MASIE extent.  (The MASIE records only go back to 2006.). The Arctic Basin is covered with thick ice. FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20180629.png (1337×1113) This is a change from ten years ago, when much […]