‘Warmest day in history’ claim based on thermometer next to an ice cream truck with its engine running all day to keep its freezer operating

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/07/warmest_day_in_history_claim_based_on_thermometer_next_to_an_ice_cream_truck_with_its_engine_running_all_day_to_keep_its_freezer_operating.html July 7, 2018 ‘Warmest day in history’ claim based on thermometer next to an ice cream truck with its engine running all day to keep its freezer operating By Thomas Lifson The Warmists intent on impoverishing the world through limitations on the combustion of hydrocarbons had a field day with a little bit of […]

NYT: Scott Pruitt’s Rocky Relationship With His Aides Set the Stage for His Fall

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/06/climate/scott-pruitt-epa-aides.html By Lisa Friedman, Eric Lipton and Coral Davenport July 6, 2018   Want the latest climate and environment news in your inbox? You can sign up here to receive Climate Fwd:, our email newsletter. WASHINGTON — Scott Pruitt came to Washington and assembled an extraordinary team of like-minded conservatives — lawyers, energy lobbyists, free-market […]


https://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/salmonella-highest-in-bagban-states/news-story/980f7396459c6dc405442f4a5d586775?from=htc_rss Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun Probably coincidence, but has this been studied? There are many sources for salmonella food poison, including mixing food ingredients such as raw chicken or even salad, but the first two bag-ban states top this survey of food poisoning rates in 2013. Salmonella Health Canada warns shoppers: If you use reusable […]