Effort to turn weathermen into climate activists fraught with bad science & backed by RICO supporting professor & funded by taxpayers

Climate Depot Special Report

Update: GOP senators push to defund federal grants to climate ‘propaganda’ groups ‘educating’ TV weathercasters

Updated June 21, 2018

WASHINGTON DC — NBC News is hyping a report that claims meteorologists are supporting the George Mason and Climate Central effort to promote climate change fears on your nightly weather forecast. See: ‘Global warming,’ now brought to you by local TV weathercaster

The climate information being promoted by the activist meteorologists is highly suspect and the groups behind the effort have supported shutting down any scientific debate by supporting RICO statures against skeptics and they have benefited greatly from federal funding of their efforts.

In addition, the chief science advisor to Climate Central, Heidi Cullen, has declared no dissent allowed on climate change. See: Flashback 2007: Heidi Cullen Calls for Decertifying AMS Climate Skeptics – ‘The AMS shouldn’t give them a Seal of Approval’ if they express skepticism

The information the meteorologists are peddling is pure propaganda, as the video accompanying the article shows a montage of weather forecasters using a 1970 start date to claim warming temperatures. Ever wonder why they chose 1970 as the start date?

Here is why:

Cheating For Dollars At Climate Central: ‘The 1970 cherry picking scam has become a centerpiece of the global warming fraud. The 1970s was one of the coldest decades in US history’ – By Tony Heller – ‘By starting in 1970, Climate Central is intentionally defrauding their readers. Had they started in 1950, there would be almost no warming shown Also important to remember that all recent temperatures are jacked up by 0.5F Bottom line is there has been little or no long term warming in the US’

But just who is behind this effort to turn your local TV weatherman into an Al Gore spouting climate fear promoter?

Climate Depot and the new book ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,’ reveal the answers to these questions. (See the book’s bonus chapter here.

NBC News describes thusly the effort to turn your local weatherman into a mini Al Gore: “Key to the shift has been Climate Central, the nonprofit that helped school LaPointe. The Princeton, New Jersey-based organization sponsors classes and webinars for meteorologists and also shares real-time data and graphics with TV stations. The group has reached more than 500 local TV weathercasters — about a quarter of those working in the U.S. — since it started its “Climate Matters” education program in 2012, and it is expanding this week to a wider group of journalists.”

Who is Climate Central? A climate activist group funded by the federal tax dollars that helps promote climate fears.

See: Climate Central’s ‘Heavy Funding’ From Feds – ‘There is evidently heavy funding as well from Federal organizations. So taxpayers are having to pay Climate Central to produce what is often grossly inaccurate and misleading propaganda, which in turn supports the Federal Government’s agenda.’

Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue notes how lavish the salaries are for a taxpayer-funded activist group.

Maue writes: “One employee (Dr. Heidi Cullen) was paid almost $400K in 2013 (most recent 990 I could find) and 5 made more than $250K in salary and benefits. That’s a nice chunk of change no matter your zip code.”

Maue also notes the aggressive nature of the groups’ advocacy. “Senators asking NSF IG to investigate taxpayer funding of various outfits including — their recent TV broadcaster outreach in the news sparked their interest about the group’s advocacy. investigated Shukla’s double/triple dipping at George Mason,” Maue wrote on June 20.

NBC News touts George Mason professor Ed Maibach as “the climate change center’s director” at the University.

Who is Ed Maibach and just who is behind the effort to turn your weather forecast into nightly climate propaganda? 

Excerpt: “Maibach, you may be surprised to learn, is no climate scientist but has a BA in social psychology from University of California, and a PhD in communication research from Stanford University.” According to the Centre’s blurb: “Ed joined the George Mason University faculty in 2007 to create the Center for Climate Change Communication. Trained in public health and communication…”

Maibach was also a signatory of the infamous letter to President Obama urging the use of RICO statutes against climate skeptics.

See: Flashback: Debate no more! Jailed for scientific dissent?! Twenty climate scientists, including Top UN scientist Dr. Kevin Trenberth, & George Mason’s Ed Maibach, call for RICO investigation of climate skeptics in letter to Obama – Via Politico: ‘Twenty climate scientists called for RICO investigation in a letter to Obama and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch.”

Maibach’s funding also raises questions:

Excerpt: “This is one hell of a high powered effort to push out global warming propaganda, and heaven knows what it all costs. Amongst its providers of major funding are listed NASA, the National Science Foundation and private foundations such as Grantham Foundation and Rockefeller Family Fund. It could hardly be a more incestuous relationship. NASA pumps funding into the Center in order to persuade the public of the terrors of global warming, which in turn will help to maintain their own funding, which can then be used to further ramp up the scare. It is no wonder Mr Maibach is so keen to sign the (RICO) letter, and silence skeptics”

Maibach has a long history of climate propaganda.

See: Climate spin: Behind-the-scenes emails show warmist prof Ed Maibach evading questions – By Maxim Lott – June 01, 2016 – FoxNews.com – Newly released internal e-mails show George Mason University climate professors plotting a petition calling on the government to prosecute skeptics of global warming using RICO laws designed to go after the mob. They got 20 scientists to sign their petition and sent it to government officials before withdrawing in the face of controversy. The new emails show GMU professors Jagadish Shukla and Edward Maibach discussing everything from how to craft their petition to appeal to conservatives, to getting warnings from others that the petition would go over poorly, to evading media questions. In the emails, the professors decided to ignore questions from FoxNews.com about why the lead petition author, Jagadish Shukla, used government grants to give himself and his family some $500,000 in salary and benefits in 2014 — which FoxNews.com reported in October. The professors decided to reach out to the Washington Post instead. “They were running a well-used page in their playbook … get the legacy media to play defense for them,” Chris Horner, who forced the public release of the emails by filing a “Freedom of Information Act” request, told FoxNews.com.

Climate Activists Are Taking Over Your Local Weather Forecast – Propaganda now being fed into weather forecasting– “Local TV news wouldn’t exist anymore if it weren’t for the weathercasts,” says Ed Maibach, director of George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication. Remember them? Jagadish Shukla et al?


Related Links: 

Cheating For Dollars At Climate Central: ‘The 1970 cherry picking scam has become a centerpiece of the global warming fraud. The 1970s was one of the coldest decades in US history’ – By Tony Heller – ‘By starting in 1970, Climate Central is intentionally defrauding their readers. Had they started in 1950, there would be almost no warming shown Also important to remember that all recent temperatures are jacked up by 0.5F Bottom line is there has been little or no long term warming in the US’

Flashback: Debate no more! Jailed for scientific dissent?! Twenty climate scientists, including Top UN scientist Dr. Kevin Trenberth, & George Mason’s Ed Maibach, call for RICO investigation of climate skeptics in letter to Obama

Warmist scientists including UN IPCC Lead Author Kevin Trenberth to Obama: ‘We appreciate that you are making aggressive and imaginative use of the limited tools available to you in the face of a recalcitrant Congress. One additional tool – recently proposed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse – is a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation of corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change. We strongly endorse Senator Whitehouse’s call for a RICO investigation.’

Via Politico: ‘Twenty climate scientists called for RICO investigation in a letter to Obama and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The scientists argue that the systemic efforts to prevent the public from understanding climate change resembles the investigation undertaken against tobacco. They draw inspiration from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse who said on the Senate floor that there might be a similar conspiracy here, and a civil trial could provide the tools of discovery needed to find out.’

By Maxim Lott – June 01, 2016 – FoxNews.com – Newly released internal e-mails show George Mason University climate professors plotting a petition calling on government to prosecute skeptics of global warming using RICO laws designed to go after the mob. They got 20 scientists to sign their petition and sent it to government officials before withdrawing in the face of controversy. The new emails show GMU professors Jagadish Shukla and Edward Maibach discussing everything from how to craft their petition to appeal to conservatives, to getting warnings from others that the petition would go over poorly, to evading media questions. In the emails, the professors decided to ignore questions from FoxNews.com about why the lead petition author, Jagadish Shukla, used government grants to give himself and his family some $500,000 in salary and benefits in 2014 — which FoxNews.com reported in October. The professors decided to reach out to the Washington Post instead. “They were running a well-used page in their playbook … get the legacy media to play defense for them,” Chris Horner, who forced the public release of the emails by filing a “Freedom of Information Act” request, told FoxNews.com.

Climate Activists Are Taking Over Your Local Weather Forecast – Propaganda now being fed into weather forecasting– “Local TV news wouldn’t exist any more if it weren’t for the weathercasts,” says Ed Maibach, director of George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication. Remember them? Jagadish Shukla et al?


Just who is behind the effort to turn your weather forecast into nightly climate propaganda? 

Edward Maibach, The Center for Climate Change Communication & That Letter

SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
By Paul Homewood



We have already seen that the lead signatory of the letter calling on Obama to launch a RICO investigation into climate sceptics, Jagadish Shukla, has been paying himself $500,000 a year out of government climate grants.

Let’s look more closely at another signatory, a certain Edward Maibach, like Shukla, a Professor at George Mason University, where he is also Director of the Center for Climate Change Communication.

Maibach, you may be surprised to learn, is no climate scientist, but has a BA in social psychology from University of California, and a PhD in communication research from Stanford University.

According to the Centre’s blurb:

Ed joined the George Mason University faculty in 2007 to create the Center for Climate Change Communication. Trained in public health and communication, he has extensive experience as an academic researcher and as a communication and social marketing practitioner in government, business, and the non-profit sector. His research focuses on the broad question of how public engagement in climate change can be expanded and enhanced.

Ed is currently a Principal Investigator on several climate change education grants funded by the National Science Foundation, NASA, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, and Town Creek Foundation. He also currently serves on the National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee and advises a wide range of organizations on how to improve their climate change communication, education and outreach.

In 2010, Ed was awarded George Mason University’s highest honor: distinguished University Professor.

Several climate change education grants! A nice little earner I’m sure.

But if you wondered why taxpayer’s money is being spent on propaganda like this, I am afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Maibach heads up this team of faculty researchers, all bar one at Professor or Assistant Professor level. None appear to have climate science qualifications, but instead are experienced in communications and media work.

Not all are full-time workers in the Center, but all work at George Mason.


On top of this lot, there thirteen affiliate researchers from other universities, not to mention a bunch of doctoral students.


The Center describes its role:

Climate change is the result of human actions and choices. Limiting climate change – and protecting people and ecosystems to the degree possible from unavoidable changes in the climate – will require significant public engagement in the issue so that difficult decisions can be made by members of the public and policy makers. Our center was created to conduct unbiased social science research that will facilitate such public engagement.

This is one hell of a high powered effort to push out global warming propaganda, and heaven knows what it all costs. Amongst its providers of major funding are listed NASA, the National Science Foundation and private foundations such as Grantham Foundation and Rockefeller Family Fund.

It could hardly be a more incestuous relationship. NASA pumps funding into the Center in order to persuade the public of the terrors of global warming, which in turn will help to maintain their own funding, which can then be used to further ramp up the scare.

It is no wonder Mr Maibach is so keen to sign the letter, and silence sceptics.

Warmist Heidi Cullen & Climate Central’s ‘Heavy Funding’ From Feds – ‘There is evidently heavy funding as well from Federal organizations. So taxpayers are having to pay Climate Central to produce what is often grossly inaccurate and misleading propaganda, which in turn supports the Federal Government’s agenda.’

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry on Warmist Heidi Cullen’s testimony: ‘She does include some dubious and misleading statements’ – Curry on warmist  Jennifer  Francis: ‘She makes several statements about the science that seem to me to be misleading’

Feds, Heidi Cullen try ‘counseling’ skeptic weathermen: ‘Taxpayer money goes to alarmist Cullen so that she can ‘create places’ where skeptics can be converted without ‘marginalizing’ them’ – Be Afraid! Greenwire reports in ‘Can counseling help weathercasters reconcile clashing climate views?’


Flashback: Stephen Colbert to Heidi Cullen: ‘For every dollar that I invest in green energy futures, I get four dollars back? That sounds like a pyramid scheme’

Warmist Heidi Cullen plays climate astrology card — uses all of her PHD for this claim?! ‘Weather isn’t what is used to be!’ [email protected] – Reaction to Cullen’s claims: ‘Shock news : ‘Weather is warmer than during the 1970s ice age scare’

Meteorologist Bastardi Slams Heidi Cullen as ‘stunningly ignorant’ for ‘claiming global warming was( is) responsible for all that is wrong in the weather, climate or whatever’ – ‘I am simply astounded that someone that is accorded the honor of a PHD can think this way’

Read: Bonus chapter: Intimidating the ‘Deniers’ to Enforce the ‘Consensus’ – Climate ‘deniers’ threatened with being ‘thrown in jail’

