Excerpt: Princeton physics professor William Happer pushed back against the term “denier.” Happer is one of the scientists I mentioned in my story as among those researchers who reject the notion that climate change is all that severe — and who was working with Pruitt’s EPA on the “red team-blue team” exercise.
When reached by email, Happer said the term “denier” is “designed to cast me and others like me as a Nazi apologist.”
“Any honest scientist should be a skeptic, most of all, a skeptic of his (or her) own scientific work, and the work of others,” Happer wrote to me. “If you insist on categorizing me as anything other than an honest scientist (and somewhat immodestly, a very good one),” he added, “you might call me a scientist who is persuaded that doubling or tripling CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere will be a major benefit to life on Earth.”
End Excerpt
Related Links:
Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: ‘The case for nixing the Paris Agreement’ – ‘CO2 is a benefit to humanity’ – Happer: “Heretical,” off-message science has been ruthlessly suppressed to reassure policymakers that they had the backing of “97 percent” of the scientific establishment. It is time to do an honest job on the science of climate. Regarding policy, Americans never felt compelled to sign up for international folly in the past. We should once again show leadership and walk away from the Paris Agreement.
Watch: Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer criticizes ‘March for Science’: ‘It is sort of a religious belief for them’ – Dr. Will Happer on Fox News: Asked about more government funded science? Happer: “We’ve had 8 years of very highly politicized so-called research on climate. It’s not what most of us would recognize as real scientific research. Something where the outcome was demanded before the funding was provided. We should tend to real environmental problems and fix them and stop chasing these phantom problems that are really just religious dogma.”