Schneiderman Resigns – but ‘eco-litigators eager to shakedown fossil fuel companies & trample civil liberties are a dime a dozen’
New York Attorney General and Climate Campaigner Schneiderman Resigns Marlo Lewis, Jr. • May 12, 2018 According to the New Yorker investigative report, when one girlfriend objected to Schneiderman yanking her across the street, and reminded him that jaywalking is illegal, he reportedly replied: “I am the law.” Well, yes, that about sums it up. […]
Claim: ‘Climate Change Wrecking Your Sleep’ – Study finds ‘sleep loss resulting from global warming’ BY LAUREN CAHN If you think it’s too hot to sleep, you may be right, and what’s worse, it could be packing on the pounds. STOCK ASSO/SHUTTERSTOCKWe’ve got yet another thing to add to the list of bad things climate change is doing to your body right now. We already know that it’s associated with […]
‘I lose sleep over climate change’ – Warmist Meteorologist Eric Holthaus admits to ‘soul-crushing despair’ – ‘I confess: I need help’
Via: By ERIC HOLTHAUS I lose sleep over climate change almost every single night. I can’t remember how long this has been happening, but it’s been quite a while, and it’s only getting worse. I confess: I need help. A few years ago, I shared my climate change depression on Twitter, and the response […]