Environmentalist Leonardo DiCpario sets an example: ‘Many luxurious, energy-guzzling homes’ – ‘Scooted on his fume-spewing private plane’

By Ethel C. Fenig While singer, dancer and all-around performer Beyoncé reportedly responsibly heated up Coachella with a knockout performance this past weekend, renowned climatologist, environmentologist, actor, and all-around Concerned Citizen Leonardo DiCaprio wasn’t as thoughtful. Leaving one of his many luxurious, energy-guzzling homes, he scooted to the event on his fume-spewing private plane, where the 40-plus-year-old star enjoyed the company of various women, all well under […]

Saving the planet…even if it means setting yourself on fire

Saving the planet…even if it means setting yourself on fire https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/04/saving_the_planeteven_if_it_means_setting_yourself_on_fire.html With the charred remains of a global warming fanatic recently cleaned off the street, one wonders how climate alarmists like their work. — gReader Pro

Texan Professor: “Is the [climate] science settled? It does not matter”

Texan Professor: “Is the [climate] science settled? It does not matter” http://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/04/18/texan-professor-is-the-climate-science-settled-it-does-not-matter/ Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to University of Austin Research Associate Todd Davidson, preparing for war on climate change means we should disregard scientific uncertainty. Commentary: We Should Prepare for Climate Change Like We Prepare for War Climate change poses a more […]

Climate change means Greenland is the same temperature now as 1880

Climate change means Greenland is the same temperature now as 1880 http://joannenova.com.au/2018/04/greenland-same-temperature-now-as-1880/ Hands up who knew that Greenland has been pretty much the same temperature for the last hundred and forty years? We know that there has been massive melting ice, shrinking ice sheets, a dark zone that is a huge problem, that the melting […]

Another Dissenter: Swiss Climate Institute Dir.: ‘Absurd’ To Call CO2 ‘Pollutant’ Or the ‘Main Culprit Behind Climate Change’

By P Gosselin on 18. April 2018 A new research institute in Switzerland set to rock the climate science boat…will investigate natural causes of climate change. Director calls claims CO2 the main driver and a pollutant “absurd”. Swiss institute director and climate scientist Hans-Joachim Dammschneider says natural factors in large part behind recent climate change. Photo credit: IFHGK The […]

Groups Write Open Letter to President Trump in Support of EPA Chief Pruitt

Today, E&E Legal joined the Heartland Institute and numerous other free market groups on letter to President Trump in support of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.   Administrator Pruitt is the target of a well-orchestrated smear campaign by leftwing groups and individuals unhappy with his effectiveness at eliminating economy and job killing regulations that do nothing […]