How to write for climate change education

My recent article “Two CO2 climate change myths” has generated an unprecedented 4,400+ comments here at CFACT. These are not all favorable; on the contrary, a number of climate change alarmists have come in to debate the important points that I raise. As a result, we are having a very educational experience.

To further the educational aspect, I want to describe some of the features of the “Two myths” article, as a guide that others can use in their writing. We need a lot more writing that supports teaching that is skeptical of climate change alarmism.

This article is what I call a “gate breaker,” which means it can be used to get around gatekeepers who want to just teach alarmism. In many cases this will be the teacher. The article is such that a skeptical student can introduce it, in order to create a proper debate.

To begin with, the article is short, just under 700 words. In fact, there are two distinct articles, one on each myth, and each can be used separately. This brevity is important because class time can be very limited. A lot of proposed educational material is far too long to be useful.

Second, the article is focused on two very specific points, the two myths. The climate change debate is very complex and it is easy to bite off more that the class can chew on. Each session must be confined to a few very narrow issues. Mentioning a lot of different issues is useless.
