Watch: John Stossel segment on the UN Paris Pact: Calls it ‘a farce and a fraud’

Stossel: President Trump is right to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement! The deal isn’t worth the paper it is written on. Summary: But many politicians and much of the media are horrified. Al Gore called pulling out of the Paris Agreement a “reckless and indefensible decision.” Former President Obama said: “This administration joins a […]

Global CO2 Emissions Hit Record High Despite UN Paris Climate Accord

By MICHAEL BASTASCH Global carbon dioxide emissions rose 1.4 percent in 2017 to a record-setting 32.5 gigatonnes, according to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Emissions rose after stalling for three years in a row, IEA reported. The Paris climate accord was signed by nearly 200 countries in 2015, which went into effect a year […]

Warmists hopeful for shakedown: ‘Can climate litigation save the world?’ – ‘Climate litigation hopes to force govts to act & companies to pay…for causing global warming’

  Courts are a new front line of climate action with cases against governments and oil firms spiralling, and while victories have so far been rare the pressure for change is growing Damian CarringtonEnvironment editor  @dpcarrington Tue 20 Mar 2018 02.00 EDT  Those bringing climate litigation hope to force governments to act and companies to pay damages […]

Climate Trial: A BLOODY NOSE FOR WARMISTS – Federal Judge Dismissed Claim Of A Conspiracy To Suppress ‘Global Warming’ Science

Climate Depot Round-Up on Climate Change ‘Trial’ ‘Global warming’ on trial: Prominent scientists submit climate skeptics’ case to federal court – Three prominent skeptical scientists have submitted their climate report to the federal court for the landmark March 21 climate science on trial hearing. See: Federal court will hold first-ever hearing on ‘climate change’ science – “A federal judge […]


Via: By Phelim McAleer Attempt to sue oil companies backfires as judge calls out their exaggerations and deceptions. ENVIRONMENTAL campaigners suing oil companies were left wounded yesterday when the first ever “climate change trial” left their exaggerations badly exposed under questioning from a curious judge who demanded evidence not allegations. Supported by environmental pressure groups, […]

People cause climate change, but don’t blame big oil, industry tells judge

By Kurtis Alexander March 21, 2018 Chevron atttorney Ted Boutrous didn’t dispute that humans are contributing to climate change. With support from fellow defendants ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and ConocoPhillips, he said Chevron agreed with assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject.

The Great Non-Debate: Oil Giant Accepts ‘Climate Consensus’, Denies Responsibility for Warming

Lawyers for Chevron in climate suit argue energy demand, not extraction, drives emissions By Debra Kahn, E&E News on March 22, 2018 Chevron Corp. walked a narrow line yesterday in acknowledging humans’ role in climate change while highlighting uncertainties that could help shield it from cities’ claims for damages stemming from sea-level rise. The California-based oil giant fielded questions […]

(Hot) Air Let Out of California’s Climate Change Lawsuit – Class Dismissed

By WILLIAM M BRIGGS Published on March 22, 2018  William M Briggs The California court climate class ordered by a judge has ended — with everybody agreeing the climate has changed. This is good news. It means anybody who calls an oil company representative a “Climate denier!” from now on will either by lying or ignorant. This ought to make for quieter […]