Order Your Book Copy Now! ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ By Marc Morano
Available at Amazon & Barnes & Noble
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change has skyrocketed to number one in multiple Amazon book rankings including Nature & Ecology; Environment, Environmental Science, Climatology and more!
In addition, the book has moved to #80 among ALL Amazon books in the rankings. “Impressive,” noted warmist filmmaker and author Randy Olson after reviewing the Amazon rankings of Morano’s book. “Um … everyone aware that Marc Morano’s new book is cracking the Top 100 on Amazon — a week after its release? I’ve been warning for a decade about Morano’s gathering media strength,” Olson wrote on March 6. “I’ve tried to warn about Morano since 2008 when he was in my movie “Sizzle.” Better watch out, climate crowd. You laughed at Trump, time to stop laughing,” Olson added.
The book has debuted to positive reviews.
New Book: ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ – by the ‘evil planet killer Marc Morano’ – ‘Like a bullet, it is now the #1 New Release in Environmental Science books – Aussie Jo Nova: “In the climate debate, few men are more central, more loathed and feared than Marc Morano. In the flesh, few men are more warm, witty and polished — an absolute gentleman and a delight to be around. He’s so effective he’s been rated one of the top 17 “planet killers”, and according to the Daily Kos, “Evil Personified”. Thank goodness he’s on our side. Not surprisingly, with so much going for him, he was the villain of the Merchants of Doubt documentary. Newsweek called him “King of the Skeptics” and Esquire Magazine devoted six thousand words to trying to unpack and investigate his key role in climate politics.” — “Like a bullet, it is now the #1 New Release in Environmental Science books. Let’s help keep it there. Right now, Leonardo’s worst fear is that you will buy this book and give it to people on the fence, impressionable teens, and any decent, deplorable teachers. Ask your local library to get a copy.”
Marc discovers he is Wanted in Paris for being ‘climate criminal’ in 2015
Also See: New Best Selling Book ‘Body Slams Climate Agenda In New Bestseller’
New Best Selling Book ‘Body Slams Climate Agenda In New Bestseller’
Order Your Book Copy Now! ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ By Marc Morano
NoTricksZone Review: The book ‘exposes the hypocrisy of jet-setting, yachting & limousine’ driving Hollywood liberals.
“The book has rocketed to the No. 1 seller position in a variety of categories. That’s no surprise considering I read the first 188 pages in the first sitting alone before putting it down for the first time.”
“Morano’s renowned, upbeat attack-style comes through in full color. Not only is the book humorous, but it’s also chock-full with data, facts and recent hard scientific findings that will make the Al Gore-acolytes cringe in embarrassment.”
“Green hypocrisy exposed: Morano’s book exposes the hypocrisy of jet-setting, yachting limousine billionaire leftist elitists, who lead pampered lives in energy-guzzling mansions and private jets while preaching to the rest of us trying to make ends meet about the need to forego fossil fuels.”
“Morano writes climate sanity was restored to the United States with Trump’s election, and that Trump is: “The warmists’ worst nightmare.”
By: Marc Morano – Climate DepotMarch 6, 2018 10:29 AM with 0 comments
Available on Amazon:
Climate Science’s Dark Knight, Marc Morano, Body Slams Climate Agenda In New Bestseller
By Pierre Gosselin on March 6, 2018
I couldn’t possibly recommend the following new book enough: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.
It is authored by the person who leading German center-left “intellectual” weekly Die Zeit once portrayed (black vs white) as the Godfather of the global warming denial and doubt syndicate:
Marc Morano of CFACT’s Climate Depot.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
The book has since rocketed to the No. 1 seller position in a variety of categories. That’s no surprise considering I read the first 188 pages in the first sitting alone before putting it down for the first time.
Marc Morano: the climate science Prince of Darkness
Viewed as the Prince of Darkness by climate-protection activists, Morano in his new book describes how he is, in fact, a real environmentalist and who, as almost every skeptic does, truly cares about the real environmental problems we face. However, one day back in 1992 the movement left him disenchanted after recognizing how leading green activists wildly exaggerated the situation in the Amazonian Forest and intentionally fabricated false stories of a world in environmental peril.
For Morano, all the fabricated doom and gloom was just too much to take. The data didn’t fit, and the characters behind the movement were clearly driven by dogma.
He has since become a hardened climate science skeptic – precisely the kind that is needed to critically research and expose the outright scandalous activism, deception, politicization, gross distortion and fear-mongering that climate “science” is fraught with. His book has done just that and with profound eloquence and success.
Humorous, chock-full of data and inconvenient facts
Having received an advance copy, Marc’s renowned, upbeat attack-style comes through in full color. Not only is the book humorous, but it’s also chock-full with data, facts and recent hard scientific findings that will make the Al Gore-acolytes cringe in embarrassment.
The book presents the strong arguments over a wide range of climate-related issues – from energy to natural climate factors, to weather anomalies, to sea level rise, etc. – in an easy to understand manner. It’s the book to go to if you’re having doubts about the alarmist science and the “green” direction we are being steered into.
Green hypocrisy exposed
Morano’s book exposes the hypocrisy of jet-setting, yachting & limousine (driving) billionaire leftist elitists, who lead pampered lives in energy-guzzling mansions and private jets while preaching to the rest of us trying to make ends meet about the need to forego fossil fuels.
I’m also honored to note that NoTricksZone is mentioned multiple times in the book:
Only one rational conclusion
After reading this book, there is only one conclusion a rational reader could possibly draw: Climate science is corrupt, wildly exaggerated and a hoax propagated by a cabal of leftist elitists. The climate issue is the greatest distraction of our generation and among the most monumental waste of resources in human history.
“Warmists’ worst nightmare”
In the final chapter “On The Way Forward”, Morano writes climate sanity was restored to the United States with Trump’s election, and that Trump is: “The warmists’ worst nightmare: the first Republican presidential nominee whoever staked out a strongly science-supported skeptical position not only on climate change claims but also on the so-called ‘solutions’.”
Great progress in a long fight
Morano, however, does think Trump needs to do more because in his view “there is a huge vacuum when it comes to administration officials actually challenging climate change claims,” and that “this silence may result in only half-hearted measures to reverse Obama’s climate policies“.
Morano, the man behind Climate Depot, warns that the fight is far from over and that now is not the time for skeptics to let their guard down:
The green movement essentially put all of their chips onto the climate scare, and it is unlikely that they will back down anytime soon.”
Yet, after reading Morano’s book, the skeptic warriors and climate realists can rest assured that a lot of things are going their way on a number of fronts. The climate scam is moving well beyond its best-before date.
Related Links:
The book has been endorsed by Nobel Prize Winning scientist Dr. Ivar Giaever. (see below) The new book also comes out just in time to greet the upcoming UN IPCC climate report already making the media rounds: See: Leaked UN IPCC Draft Report calls for ‘a radical transformation of society’ – Predicts 1.5°C Warming By 2043
This book is the ultimate reference guide to climate change and no parent should be without a copy as their kids under climate education at school from elementary through college!
(The new book is also available at: Amazon UK ; EBAY;
Limbaugh praised Climate Depot’s Marc Morano in 2009: “Morano’s probably single-handedly, in a civilian sense, the guy (other than me, of course) doing a better job of ringing the bells alarming people of what’s going on here.” – November 20, 2009
Limbaugh on Morano in February 2018: Rush Limbaugh Touts Climate Depot: Run by Morano who ‘used to be — when I had the TV show — Our Man in Washington – Warmist ‘arguments blown to smithereens’ on Climate Depot
Read the book’s forward by Weather Channel Founder John Coleman & read critical praise of Morano’s new book here: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/02/25/a-must-read-the-politically-incorrect-guide-to-climate-change/
A sampling of praise and reviews for Marc Morano’s new book:
“With his book “Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change”, Marc Morano vies to be the Thomas Paine of the movement to save the world from the tyranny of climate catastrophists. He exposes the seemingly infinite number of absurd claims, and the almost unbounded hypocrisy and venality of the proponents of this clearly inhuman and scientifically implausible attempt to control mankind by controlling and, more importantly, restricting access to energy. This book is an unrelenting polemic of the best kind.”
— Emeritus MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen
“I have never met Marc Morano, the author of this very interesting book, but I know him well from his excellent blog Climate Depot, which I read regularly. In the book he exposes the climate myths that even scientific organizations like the Physical Society and American Association for the Advancement of Science push. The Earth has existed for maybe 4.5 billion years, and now the alarmists will have us believe that because of the small rise in temperature for roughly 150 years (which, by the way, I believe you cannot really measure) we are doomed unless we stop using fossil fuels. We are now forced to use corn-based ethanol in our gas, subsidized windmills, and solar cells for energy; meanwhile, maybe a billion people worldwide starve and have no access to electricity. You and I breathe out at least thirty tons of CO2 in a normal life span, but neverthelessthe Environmental Protection Agency decided to classify rising carbon-dioxide emissions as a hazard to human health. Marc Morano discusses the reasons and history of all these strange theories in his excellent book The Politically Incorrect Guide ® to Climate Change. Please read it, you will be amazed!”—Dr. IVAR GIAEVER, Nobel Laureate in physics
“Marc Morano’s remarkable book The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Climate Change documents, in their own words, how many honest scientists still insist that hypotheses not confirmed by observation should be rejected. It exposes the pernicious myth that 97 percent of scientists agree that increasing levels of carbon dioxide are an existential threat, one that mandates the surrender of human freedom and wellbeing to an ‘enlightened’ climate elite. The book documents that many very distinguished scientists do not agree. In fact, more carbon dioxide is already benefitting the world through increased yields for agriculture and forestry, and from shrinking deserts. The hated ‘deniers’ are right. There is no emergency. When later generations of historians analyze the climate hysteria of our time, this book will be one of their most valuable references.”— Dr. WILL HAPPER, Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, emeritus, Princeton University
The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Climate Change is a welcome scientific and rational antidote to the liberal news media, the UN, and Al Gore’s incessant chattering about climate doom. This book exposes the hypocrisy of Learjet limousine liberals who fly in their own private jets and own multiple homes while preaching to the world about downsizing and energy rationing. Every parent in America should be armed with this book to fight the brainwashing of their kids from kindergarten through college. Marc’s book is the ultimate A-Z reference guide that debunks man-made climate change claims using scientific studies and prominent scientists. The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Climate Change is the book the UN and Al Gore do not want you to read. The climate scare ends with this book.”— SEAN HANNITY, host of Hannity on Fox News and of the nationally syndicated radio program The Sean Hannity Show
“This book covers the history of climate, from the global cooling ‘coming ice age’ scare of the 70s to the ‘we have just a few years left to save the planet’ that characterizes the current global warming scare. Written in a light reading style, virtually every page is meticulously referenced with sources for the points he makes. Love him or hate him, Morano is very effective in conveying the history and the climate flim-flammery under the guise of science that has been going on the last few decades, mostly thanks to huge government funding of climate science. It reads like a postmortem verification of President Eisenhower’s farewell address, which warned of the ‘military-industrial complex,’ but also said, ‘The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.’”
— ANTHONY WATTS, publisher of WattsUpWithThat, the world’s most viewed climate-themed website
“This book reveals that ‘global warming’ is not and has never been about the ‘science.’ The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Climate Changereveals the agenda behind the lavishly funded and government-sponsored climate change establishment. Morano unmasks the United Nations’ goals of ‘global governance,’ redistribution of wealth, and global carbon taxes. This book arms every citizen with a comprehensive dossier on just how science, economics, and politics have been distorted and corrupted in the name of saving the planet. Contrary to Al Gore’s claims, UN treaties and EPA regulations cannot control the weather or the oceans. A must read.”—MARK LEVIN, author of Men in Black, Liberty and Tyranny, and Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism