Chilling: Play titled ‘Kill Climate Deniers’ launches theatrical run

 – The Washington Times – Thursday, March 1, 2018

Global warming skeptics, beware: A play with the alarming title “Kill Climate Deniers” may be coming to a theater near you.

Written by Australian playwright David Finnigan, “Kill Climate Deniers” kicked off Thursday the 2018 season of the Griffin Theatre in Sydney after a week of previews, with the final show scheduled for April 7.

Kill Climate Deniers: Playwright takes on Andrew Bolt, climate change sceptics and Breitbart News  via @ClimateDepot

Kill Climate Deniers: Playwright takes on Andrew Bolt, climate change sceptics and Breitbart News

By Hannah Reich for The Hub on Stage Updated about 10 hours ago PHOTO: Actor Eden Falk, as playwright David Finnigan, in Kill Climate Deniers. (Supplied: Griffin Theatre Company/Brett Boardman) Fou…

The plot? “As a classic rock band take the stage in Parliament House’s main hall, 96 armed eco-terrorists storm the building and take the entire government hostage, threatening to execute everyone unless Australia ends global warming. Tonight,” said the play’s website.

The play was commissioned in 2014 with a $19,000 grant from the Australian government, but its first staging was shut down following a backlash led by conservative Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt.

“How does the ACT Government justify spending taxpayers’ money on a theatre work entitled ‘Kill Climate Deniers’?” asked Mr. Bolt in a column dated Sept. 30, 2014. “What sane Government donates to a project urging others to kill fellow citizens, even as a ‘joke’? Are these people mad?”
