Hail Shale: U.S. Oil Production Booms As New Year Begins

Hail Shale: U.S. Oil Production Booms As New Year Begins http://www.thegwpf.com/hail-shale-u-s-oil-production-booms-as-new-year-begins/ U.S. crude oil production is flirting with record highs heading into the new year, thanks to the technological nimbleness of shale oil drillers. The current abundance has erased memories of 1973 gas lines, which raised pump prices dramatically, traumatizing the United States and reordering […]

Fighting Climate Superstition: ‘Glaciers retreating for 20,000 years, when Chicago was under a mile of ice – &  retreating during NASA’s coldest years on record’ 

Fighting Climate Superstition https://realclimatescience.com/2018/01/fighting-climate-superstition/ A favorite superstition of climate alarmists is that glaciers are retreating because NASA’s fake temperature graphs indicate Earth is heating up. Glaciers have been retreating for 20,000 years, when Chicago was under a mile of ice – and they were retreating during NASA’s coldest years on record. 29 Oct 1910 – […]

‘Prosecute Slimate Clientists for False Statements and Defrauding the Public’ 

Prosecute Slimate Clientists for False Statements and Defrauding the Public https://co2islife.wordpress.com/2018/01/01/prosecute-slimate-clientists-for-false-statements-and-defrauding-the-public/ The above graphic comes from an article written back in 2001. In the article, it clearly identifies that 1) James Hansen testified before Congress and 2) James Hansen made provable material false statements. 30 years after the 1988 interview, the far upper end or […]

Why this extreme cold is just weather but all heat waves are climate change

Why this extreme cold is just weather but all heat waves are climate change http://joannenova.com.au/2018/01/why-this-extreme-cold-is-just-weather-but-all-heat-waves-are-climate-change/ There is a deep asymmetry in science. Don’t take it from me, take it from the former President of American Meteorological Society (AMS) and a current Director of the University of Georgia’s (UGA) Atmospheric Sciences Program. Marshall Sheppard would know, […]

The Value of Dr. Crockford and Polar Bear Science

The Value of Dr. Crockford and Polar Bear Science http://cliscep.com/2018/01/02/the-value-of-dr-crockford-and-polar-bear-science/ Back in the 70s, the Welsh screenwriter Elaine Morgan responded to a question that had been making the rounds in conversation about feminism. The question was ‘why do women use sex as a weapon?’ Morgan replied simply that perhaps it was because women so badly […]

Tamper, tamper! How They failed to hide the gulf between predicted and observed warming

Tamper, tamper! How They failed to hide the gulf between predicted and observed warming https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/01/03/tamper-tamper-how-they-failed-to-hide-the-gulf-between-predicted-and-observed-warming/ By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The indefatigable Roy Spencer at the University of Alabama at Huntsville is the first to declare the global temperature anomaly for December 2017. As Fig. 1 shows, in the 39 years 1 month from December […]

2017 in review: polar bear prophesies of doom more at odds with current reality

2017 in review: polar bear prophesies of doom more at odds with current reality https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2018/01/03/2017-in-review-polar-bear-prophesies-of-doom-more-at-odds-with-current-reality/ By Paul Homewood End of year round up from Dr Susan Crockford: Tales of doom and gloom about polar bears reflect what some people think might happen in the future, not what is happening right now. Currently, polar bears are […]