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Hurricane Irma Comes 7th In List Of Landfalling U.S. Hurricanes HURRICANE IRMA COMES 7TH IN LIST OF LANDFALLING U.S. HURRICANES Date: 10/09/17 Watts Up With That While this won’t be of much comfort for those that are squarely in it’s path right now, it is a small bit of good news. Dr. Philip Klotzbach has compiled rankings of both hurricane Irma and Harvey when they made […] ‘Witches, Jews And Climate Deniers’ – ‘Hate groups have looked for scapegoats to blame things on’ by tonyheller Throughout history, hate groups have looked for scapegoats to blame things on. In the 16th century progressive hate groups blamed bad weather on witches, and burned tens of thousands of witches at the stake. In the 1930’s and 1940’s progressives put millions of Jews in gas chambers as scapegoats for Germany’s problems, and […]

Booker slaps down Irma climate claims

By Paul Homewood A welcome dose of common sense from Booker:   Terrible though the deaths and damage caused by Hurricane Irma may be, the way it has been reported makes one wonder whether, after more than 10 years that have seen Atlantic hurricane activity at its lowest level for decades, everyone has forgotten what these monster […]

Historic Hurricanes: List of more than 100 of most memorable hurricanes since pre-colonial times

Via:   Hurricane of July, 1502–Was a storm that the great explorer and discoverer of American, Christopher Columbus, predicted would strike the island of Hispanola. He used his prediction to warn the Governor of Hispanola, Nicholas de Ovando, who had 30 ships in his fleet set sail back to Spain. However, the governor ignored him, […]

The Hurricane Harvey hustle: ‘Never let a crisis go to waste’ – Warmists trash science to hype climate fears

by Paul Driessen “When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight,” English essayist Samuel Johnson observed 240 years ago, “it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” That’s certainly true in the climate change arena. After ending U.S. participation in the Paris climate treaty and abolishing many government restrictions on fossil fuel use, the Trump Administration began […]

Climate activists go full Book of Revealations: ‘This is how your world could end’ – ‘Pop the rivets of civilization’

Via: In their book Dire Predictions, Penn State’s Lee Kump and Michael Mann describe just one local example of how drought, sea level rise and overpopulation may combine to pop the rivets of civilisation: “Increasingly severe drought in West Africa will generate a mass migration from the highly populous interior of Nigeria to its coastal mega-city, […]