Update: Gore’s sequel slumps even lower for Aug. 18th – Slips to 20th film at weekend box office – Drops 63% from prior week

Former Vice President Al Gore’s new film, ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” continues its downward slide at the box office. The weekend of August 18-20 saw Gore’s film slump to 20th movie at U.S. box office despite still being in wide release at over 500 theaters. The film dropped 63.2% from the previous weekend.

According to Box Office Mojo:

The film has tanked at the box office. See: ‘A box office dud’ – Gore Finds Stormy Climate as ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’  Fails to Heat Up at Box Office & ‘This was not supposed to happen’: Gore’s sequel opens in dismal 15th at box office – Gore fans allege film ‘sabotaged’ by Paramount

And the excuses for the box office failure of Gore’s sequel keep piling up.

See: ‘Rough season for sequels’ – ‘Never expected sales to top’ 1st film – Gore not ‘hot-button person he once was’

Warmists lament: ‘Al Gore’s Stupendous Wealth Complicates His Climate Message’

Climatologist rips Gore’s sequel: ‘Chock-full of bad science, bad policy, & factual errors’ – Writes book to debunk film

Skeptical film ‘Climate Hustle’ Now Available on  iTunes, Vimeo, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube & More! – In addition to being available on DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming on our own movie website, we are excited to announce that CFACT’s groundbreaking Climate Hustle documentary is also now available on iTunesVimeoAmazonGoogle PlayYouTubeSteamChristian Cinema and more!  Unlike Gore’s unscientific climate narrative, Climate Hustle is grounded in solid facts that expose the global warming con game like no movie before or since. And unlike Gore’s joyless, boring work of self-promotion, nearly everyone who sees our film agrees Climate Hustle doesn’t just inform, but it’s also fun to watch! The film currently has an 81% Five-Star rating on Amazon!


Watch: Kids used to promote Gore’s sequel: 11-year old: ‘People are releasing toxic gases that are ruining the world’

Watch: Kids used to promote Gore’s sequel: 11-year old: ‘People are releasing toxic gases that are ruining the world’

