Via National Review – The New York Times Botches a Climate-Change Story – by JULIE KELLY August 10, 2017
Excerpt: Roger Pielke Jr., a scientist attacked by the climate tribe for daring to (correctly) challenge whether global warming is causing extreme weather events, offered up a tweetstorm response to the report.Pielke said former Obama science adviser John Holdren was “wrong” about human influence on droughts because there has been no increase in droughts in the U.S. As far as hurricanes, Pielke is again vindicated with the report’s acknowledgement of a “hurricane drought” — no major hurricane in the U.S. in the past eleven years — which is “unprecedented in the historical records dating back to the mid-19th century.” (After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, many scientists warned global warming would lead to stronger hurricanes. Capitalizing on the tragedy, Al Gore said days after Katrina that “the scientific community is warning us that the average hurricane will continue to get stronger because of global warming.”)The climate clan is already hunkering down, planning to use the report to push for more federal climate policies and smear Trump.“In my area of expertise, it underscores that there is very little support for claims of increases in hurricanes, flood, drought, tornadoes,” Pielke told me via e-mail. “The science says what is says, with something welcomed and unwelcomed by all political sides here. After the news cycle is over, we’ll be right back where we were before on the climate issue.” Read more at:
Pielke Jr.’s tweet reactions to report:
“The NYT has released draft US climate assessment I’ll share a few comments on what it says about extreme weather.” …
“But first, reminder I wrote my PhD dissertation in 1994 on political & scientific processes that were created to produce this document.”
“Drought. No increases across the US. John Holden was wrong & I was right. Of course I was, I was citing earlier version of this same doc!”
“Floods. No overall increases in magnitude or frequency in the US.”
“Wildfires. A bit of a surprise. Low confidence in ‘human climate change contribution’ (medium for Alaska)”
“Tornadoes. No detection or attribution. No news here.”
“Hurricanes: Low confidence in any trends. No attribution. No news here. They did not find room to present a time series of US Hurricanes.”
“Major hurricane drought An issue I discussed years ago is now safe to talk about.”
“Bottom line: Everything I published in peer reviewed lit, testified to before Congress or written for @FiveThirtyEight vindicated here.”
“Bottom line 2: Extreme weather trends a very poor choice of scientific topic to organize climate advocacy around The science ain’t there.”