Via: https://www.thegwpf.com/temperatures-plunge-after-bureau-of-meteorology-orders-fix/ TEMPERATURES PLUNGE AFTER AUSTRALIA’S BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY ORDERS FIX Date: 04/08/17 By Graham Lloyd, The Australian Recorded temperatures at the Bureau of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for purpose”. A record of the Thredbo Top […]
Gore Sequel review: ‘Don’t expect the world to chuck medals at this follow-up’ – ‘More a Tragedy Than an Inconvenience’
The Al Gore Sequel is More a Tragedy Than an Inconvenience BY ALAN SCHERSTUH … Don’t expect the world to chuck medals at this follow-up, though. Directed by Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, the new film mostly tosses out the filmed lecture approach of An Inconvenient Truth. Instead, they’ve fashioned something on the model of […]
Delingpole: ‘But Climate Change…’ Wails WarmistEPA Official In Resignation Letter
by JAMES DELINGPOLE 4 Aug 20171,439 A top EPA official has resigned, supposedly in protest at the direction the Agency has taken under President Trump. Or — as we climate realists prefer to put it — #winning. Elizabeth “Betsy” Southerland had worked at the EPA for thirty years. But on Tuesday she resigned from her post as director of science and technology in […]
Preparing for Al Gore’s Factually Troubled ‘Inconvenient Sequel’
NYT Reviews ‘Compelling’ Al Gore and His Global Warming Sequel
by Accuracy In Media on August 4, 2017 Print: Share: Not surprisingly, the New York Times not only reviewed Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” the follow-up to his original global warming documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” it liked it. The reviewer claimed that in a summer full of blockbuster movies, it is telling that one of the […]
Gore urges followers to ‘fill theaters’ to send message to ‘Trump and the other climate deniers’
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Al Gore, Climate Reality <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 1:31 PM Subject: Claim Your FREE TICKET for An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power To: Dear Friends, In 2006, we made history together with An Inconvenient Truth. By filling theaters around the world and talking about the climate crisis with everyone we […]
Sequel Review: ‘Al Gore’s Environmental Messiah Complex’ – Film accused of ‘excessive adulation’ of Gore
By Christian Toto … But the most inconvenient fact that viewers of the documentary will never see is something that’s long been known to those who follow the former Vice President’s crusade: Gore’s very large bank account, which has filled up rapidly thanks to his self-promotional “green technology” investments. Since 2000, Gore’s net worth has grownfrom […]
BY CHRISTIAN TOTO The world’s foremost climate change alarmist is under the microscope for his personal energy consumption. Here we go again. The last time former Vice President Al Gore starred in a film we learned something interesting about his electricity bill. Gore had just won the Best Documentary Oscar for “An Inconvenient Truth” when […]
New Study By German Physicists Concludes We Can Expect Climate Cooling For Next 50 Years!
By P Gosselin on 1. August 2017 German physicists: “CO2 plays only minor role for global climate” In a just published study in The Open Atmospheric Science Journal here, German scientists Horst-Joachim Lüdecke and Carl-Otto Weiss have used a large number of temperature proxies worldwide to construct a global temperature mean over the last 2000 years, dubbed G7, in order to find out […]
New Paper: CO2 Has ‘Negligible’ Influence On Earth’s Temperature
By Kenneth Richard on 31. July 2017 Water Vapour Climate Forcing ‘Up To 200 Times’ Greater, ‘Overrides Any Effect By CO2’ H. Douglas Lightfoot profile PDF Lightfoot and Mamer, 2017 (1) Robust scientific evidence shows the sun angle controls water vapour content of the atmosphere, the m