Media blackout on NASA report that sea level has fallen last two years
By Thomas Lifson Warmist doomsayers have another inconvenient “pause” on their hands, as sea levels have actually fallen the last two years, according to satellite data from NASA. Mac Slavo noticed the NASA data, and Zerohedge picked it up. As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false […]
Forget geoengineering planet, lets drug and modify humans instead — Shrink your kids
Can’t persuade people? Drug ‘em. Tony Thomas finds an academic (Matthew Liao) who suggests that given the climate change risk it might be more ethical to shrink our kids by 6 inches, or drug people with oxytoxin to make them more compliant. Jo Nova thinks it might be more ethical to fund skeptical scientists instead of […]
Human Engineering: Meet NYU Professor Matthew Liao, who yearns to bio-engineer smaller, drug-ready humans
By TONY THOMAS People unwilling to act on the climate-crisis narrative should be assisted with drugs that improve and promote conformity, according to eminent bio-ethicist Professor Matthew Liao, of New York University, who also wants to see parents dosing their children with hormones and diets to keep them shorter and less of a burden on the […]
Warmist Review: Gore’s sequel an ‘aimless travelogue of meet-&-greets & brand building, lacking urgency of 2006 film’
FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2017 AT 7:02 A.M. BY ALAN SCHERSTUHL Excerpts: It’s hard to imagine a less promising film title than An Inconvenient Sequel. Maybe Another Imposition Upon Your Time? It’s clear, in the opening minutes, as we watch him shake off the slights and smears of his critics, that Al Gore is too savvily upbeat […]
Warmist Review: Gore’s sequel ‘not a great movie…unfocused…’bent the truth’ on India…’light on the facts’
Vox by Alissa Wilkinson Excerpts: The likelihood of anyone watching the movie who isn’t already sympathetic to Gore’s cause seems low. An Inconvenient Sequel is still not a great movie — unfocused, a bit suspect in its methods, and (not entirely through its own fault) kind of a major bummer. It’s not up to […]