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12-Year Old Boy Speaks At Gore Summit in Australia: ‘Climate change concerns me heavily’

12-year old Mason Dwyer, was named Junior Lord Mayor of Melbourne for 2016. On July 9, 2017 he spoke to the EcoCity World Summit in Melbourne Australia on July 12th, the same summit Al Gore addressed. The conference is being held from July 12-14.


Selected Excerpts of 12-year old Dwyer:

“Clean and Green. That is my dream. I was an environmental leader with my primary school.

From a young age, I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to do something great. I have many hopes and dreams for the future. — Climate change concerns me heavily and its’ hard to ignore that it is happening. If we don’t do something now we will see our world deteriorate in terms of wonder, beauty and purpose. — Rubbish and air pollution changes our climate and our environment and effecting us negatively. — We need to be more mindful, clever, creative and innovative. — Now that we are collaborating, let’s all do something great.”


Previous statements by Dwyer:

‘I want to cure homelessness and make Melbourne a greener city full of grass and trees to make everyone happier, and make Melbourne a better place to live. I want to make the world a better place.”

School Captain, Mason Dwyer, was named Junior Lord Mayor of Melbourne for 2016 with a long list of official duties including raiding the flag on Melbourne Day, cutting the official birthday cake, skippering the Enterprize for a day with his class and other mayoral duties throughout the year. The judges said of Mason that he was, ‘the outstanding candidate from six excellent finalists’.

When speaking of his plans as Junior Lord Mayor Mason said, ‘I want to cure homelessness and make Melbourne a greener city full of grass and trees to make everyone happier, and make Melbourne a better place to live. I want to make the world a better place’.

“I’ve managed to fit it all in,” His Worship smiled assuredly.

Mason Dwyer, 11, is the 2016 Junior Lord Mayor of Melbourne.

Here is a direct video link (11.24)



