Shocker: Government mandated trillions in global renewable investment tally

But — wind and solar provide only 1% of 2015 world energy Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The 2017 edition of the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) has been released providing a status assessment of global renewable energy use with energy consumption data reflected through 2015. The report presents the following breakdown of total 2015 world […]

New Study: Scientists Find Recent UK Flooding Is Not Unprecedented

By Paul Homewood GWPF has details of a new study in to UK flooding records. As I have often shown, there is nothing unprecedented about recent floods in Britain. What often makes it seem so is the “flood dry” period which occurred between 1970 and 2000. Source: New Study: Scientists Find Recent UK Flooding Is […]

Daily Telegraph: There is No Such Thing as Affordable Renewable Energy

Eric Worrall / 2 days ago June 17, 2017 EAPI represents the average commodity price of retail electricity paid by Australian businesses based on a Standard Retail Contract (commences in 6-months and operates for 2½ years). Source Energy Action Guest essay by Eric Worrall Awareness is slowly permeating through the media that renewables inevitably lead to higher electricity prices […]

Cause of Death: Climate-Change Alarmism

By Paul Homewood I didn’t want to post this, but this article gets it right. It’s not climate change that kills. It’s the zealotry of those who believe they are on a Gaia-given mission to save the planet that is capable of causing economic mayhem, poverty and even death. Meanwhile, those who should be looking after the […]

Exit From Paris Climate Accord: A Re-Founding Of American Democracy?

In an interview with the French liberal newspaper Contrepoints , Belgian philosopher Drieu Godefridi discusses his view that the exit of the Trump Administration from the Paris Agreement is a sensible return to American democracy. Source: Exit From Paris Climate Accord: A Re-Founding Of American Democracy?

Matt Ridley: Gove Needs To Watch Out For The Green Lobby

From badgers to clean-air rules, environmentalists will fight him every inch of the way to protect their vested interests Even Michael Gove’s enemies concede he is good at tackling vested interests. Even his friends concede he has a knack for making enemies in the process. Source: Matt Ridley: Gove Needs To Watch Out For The […]

What A Mess! Spiegel Reveals Scientists Don’t Know Real Temperature Of The Planet

By P Gosselin on 17. June 2017 The Germany-based European Institute For Climate and Energy (EIKE) alerts here that it is now obvious nobody really knows what the real mean global temperature is, and that claims that the planet is the hottest it’s been since measurements began are not making any sense. In 1995 it was 15.4°C. Today we are told it […]