13 reasons to CLEXIT (climate exit) from UN Paris Climate Treaty

April 20, 2017 by CFACT Ed, President Trump should keep his campaign promise to “cancel” the UN Paris climate agreement President Obama signed the UN “agreement” bypassing the constitutional requirement to seek the “advice and consent” of the Senate despite it possessing all the hallmarks of a “treaty” The climate models the UN relied on […]

Flashback: Candidate Trump: ‘We’re going to cancel the Paris climate agreement’

April 20, 2017 by CFACT Ed, 0 Comments“President Obama entered the United States into the Paris climate accord unilaterally and without the permission of Congress. This agreement gives foreign bureaucrats control over how much our energy and how much we use right here in America. So foreign bureaucrats are gonna be controlling what we’re using […]

Send warmist Josh Fox to ‘hug it out’ with ISIS

Today we’re launching a $2,500 fundraiser to send Josh Fox to ‘hug it out’ with ISIS. Fox took to Twitter after President Donald Trump dropped the Mother of All Bombs in Afghanistan, saying, “Atrocity. Murder. Abomination. When will we learn that only #love stops hate, and bombings only create more #ISIS? #moab #stoptrump.” A second […]

Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth fined for breaking campaigning rules

By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public Greenpeace Ltd and Friends of the Earth Limited have been fined by the Electoral Commission for failing to comply with campaigning rules at the 2015 UK Parliamentary General Election. At the general election, non-party campaigners were required to register with the Electoral Commission if they spent more than either […]

Trapped In Thick Arctic Ice, Canadian Fishermen Call For Compensation

Heavy ice is making it impossible for fishermen from the Twillingate area to get to their crab fishing grounds. Heavy ice is making it impossible for fishermen from the Twillingate area to get to their crab fishing grounds. (Twitter/@jeddore1972) At least six Twillingate fish harvesters are being kept from the crab fishery by miles of […]

Trump Administration May Not Find Middle Ground on Paris Climate Deal

As the Trump administration debates whether to stay in the Paris climate agreement, observers are skeptical that opposing wings of the administration will reach a middle ground. President Donald Trump’s top advisers are expected to meet Tuesday to discuss whether the U.S. should remain in the agreement, Politico reported. Source: Trump Administration May Not Find […]

White House Postpones Meeting on Paris Climate Accord

President Donald Trump’s most senior advisers postponed a meeting Tuesday during which they had hoped to bridge the administration’s divide over whether the U.S. should leave or remain in the Paris climate change agreement. The fate of the agreement, backed by nearly 200 nations in 2015, has become a major symbolic policy question for a […]

Analysis: U.S. Temperature Data Tampering – Worse Than It Seems

Most people assume that temperature graphs from NOAA and NASA are generated by averaging thermometer data and honestly reporting their findings. This belief is based on a blind belief in authority, rather than evidence. NOAA publishes two US temperature data sets – raw and final. Source: US Temperature Data Tampering – Worse Than It Seems