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Trump Could Walk Away From Decades of Climate Deals While Trump has made it clear he plans to walk away from Paris, his precise exit strategy remains unclear. “I don’t think that’s been decided,” Myron Ebell, the head of Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency transition team, said in an interview. “Your guess is as good as mine.” Trump has at least four options. First is to […]

DNC Staffer claims Trump presidency will be fatal! ‘I’m going to die from climate change…it’s going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy’

BY: Charlie Hoffmann November 10, 2016 One Democratic National Committee staffer became enraged at interim chair Donna Brazile on Thursday in the DNC’s first meeting since Hillary Clinton’s unexpected loss to Donald Trump. The staffer, only identified as Zach, had some choice words for Brazile and her failure to lead the Democratic Party to victory on […]

EPA Chief Urges Staff To Finish Obama’s Agenda Before Trump Takes Over

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) urged employees to finish out the last weeks of the Obama administration “running” to finish implementing what they can of the president’s environmental agenda. “As I’ve mentioned to you before, we’re running — not walking — through the finish line of President Obama’s presidency,” EPA Administrator Gina […]

Al Gore wants a ‘climate intervention’ with Trump

Via: Al Gore wants a climate intervention with Donald Trump Published on: 10 November 2016 By THOMAS RICHARD Al Gore wants a climate intervention with Donald Trump  Al Gore stumping with Hillary Clinton in Florida. YouTube (Screencap-Hillary Clinton Speeches & Events) Former Vice President Al Gore has jumped immediately into the climate fray following #Donald […]

Lawyers: Trump could pull out of global climate accord in a year

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump could use legal short-cuts to pull out of a global agreement for fighting climate change within a year, keeping a campaign promise and by-passing a theoretical four-year wait, lawyers say. Trump, who has called global warming a hoax and said it was invented by the Chinese to undermine U.S. manufacturing, has […]

What Does Trump’s Victory Mean For Energy Policy?

“Climate sanity has been restored to the U.S.,” Marc Morano, the published of the global warming skeptic website Climate Depot, said in a statement. “No longer do we have to hear otherwise intelligent people in charge in D.C. blather on about how UN treaties or EPA regulations will control the Earth’s temperature or storminess,” he […]