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Latest ‘Global Warming’ Threat: Trick Or Treating – ‘Pre-packaged sugar packs a big punch to your carbon footprint’

Environmentalists have decided that letting kids trick or treat on Halloween is increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and the only solution is for the activists to get more money to fight it. Environmentalists suspect that candy eaten by trick-or-treating kids probably generates a lot of CO2 and therefore isn’t sustainable. The environmental website TerraPass even encourages […]

DiCaprio claims new climate film will ‘scare the hell’ out of people – But Film ‘Drowns in Sea of Green Hypocrisy’

by TOM RICHARD28 Oct 201626 SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Leonardo DiCaprio claims his new film will illustrate the dangers of climate change. Before the Flood is a new “documentary” that chronicles DiCaprio’s carbon-spewing journey across the planet, where he relies on natural disasters to prove that global warming is occurring and catastrophic. The Oscar-winning […]