AP: ‘Cow Fart Regulation Passed Into California Law’ To Fight ‘Global Warming’

SACRAMENTO (AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that regulates emissions from dairy cows and landfills for the first time as California broadens its efforts to fight climate change beyond carbon-based greenhouse gases. Brown’s move Monday targets a category of gases known as short-lived climate pollutants, which have an outsize effect on global warming […]

Media Posts McCarthy-esque Hit List of ‘Climate Change Deniers’

by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.20 Sep 201658 In a move reminiscent of a wild-eyed, 1950s Commie hunt, EcoWatch has published a list of the most dangerous heretics from climate change orthodoxy, including Donald Trump, Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX), and Marc Morano. For the crime of questioning the science behind current global warming theories, especially regarding […]

375 Scientists Worried About Global Warming Basically Endorse Hillary For President

Hundreds of members of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) signed an open letter criticizing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for calling global warming a “hoax,” and also called on “political leaders” to support an international agreement to fight warming. The open letter, signed by 375 NAS members, is basically an endorsement of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary […]

Physicist: Proof that alternatives burn more fossil fuels

By Physicist Denis G. Rancourt, PhD I provide a proof that alternative energy production technologies (wind, solar, ocean energy, biofuels, etc.) necessarily burn more fossil fuel, per quantum of energy generated, than the energy production technologies that directly burn fossil fuel. (Note: Hydro-electricity is “renewable” but it is not an “alternative” energy.) If this were […]


According to Department for Transport statistics, between April and June 4,200 plug-in cars were sold – the lowest for two years. The government announced last year that it would extend grants for electric cars for a further two years but halved the payments to £2,500. Around 17,500 cars were registered in the first three months […]