Get a load of this. We’ve all heard the usual hate-speech that climate skeptics should be “locked up” for having an alternate opinion.
But, did you ever think you’d see something as ridiculous as this in the NYT?
…inmates generally consume less than an average citizen in the country, so fewer prisoners might mean higher overall energy consumption.
Additionally, the money saved from reducing crime would go into the government’s budget and people’s pockets. All that money could be spent in other ways — infrastructure, buildings or goods — that may require more energy to produce or operate, possibly adding more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
The author, Tatiana Schlossberg, is the granddaughter of JFK
In other words, if we’re all locked up, that’s good! Smaller carbon footprint!! More criminals running free means more GHG’s. Perhaps this will quell the mentally aberrant thinking of California Governor Jerry Brown, who wants to release even more criminals -both violent and non-violent.
h/t to Marc Morano of Climate Depot