June 2016 Update: ‘The Pause still refuses to go away’ – 18 years 8 months – No warming since Nov. 1997

Via: https://kenskingdom.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/the-pause-update-june-2016/ The Pause Update: June 2016 The complete UAH v6.0 data for June were released yesterday.  I present all the graphs for various regions, and as well summaries for easier comparison.  The Pause still refuses to go away, despite all expectations. These graphs show the furthest back one can go to show a zero or negative trend (less […]

‘Global Warming’ Pause Continues: ‘It looks as if there will be no statistically significant difference between 2016’s temperatures & 1998’s’

RSS Updated For June – Temperature Decline Continues JULY 8, 2016 By Paul Homewood RSS have also now published their global temperature anomalies for June, so we can update the comparison with 1998 for them and UAH: http://data.remss.com/msu/monthly_time_series/RSS_Monthly_MSU_AMSU_Channel_TLT_Anomalies_Land_and_Ocean_v03_3.txt http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/v6.0beta/tlt/uahncdc_lt_6.0beta5 RSS anomalies have now declined by a full half degree since their peak in February. Both datasets […]

Where Clinton, Trump Stand on Energy, Climate Change

Donald Trump: Fracking: Trump has been enthusiastic about this controversial gas extraction process, stating via Twitter as far back as 2012 that “fracking will lead to American energy independence.” His public comments since then have been less succinct, but supportive. In his one major energy policy speech in North Dakota in late May, Trump said he […]

Analysis debunks ‘Hottest’ year and CO2 claims – ‘Torturing the Data and the Facts’ 

http://realitybasedpolicy.com/torturing-the-data-and-the-facts The statement that CO2 levels and temperatures “track together in the geologic record” is not even grossly right; it is precisely wrong. A report by the CO2 Coalition, Carbon Dioxide Benefits the World: See for Yourself, contains a figure, CO2 Levels on Earth, that shows CO2 levels 600 million years in the past.   […]

Michael Mann Can See Climate Change From His Window!

Mickey Mann Can See Climate Change From His Window! https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/mickey-mann-can-see-climate-change-from-his-window/ By Paul Homewood http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/global-warming-alarmist-reveals-the-anti-science-con/ From Investor’s Daily: Michael Mann, who has staked his reputation on being right about climate change, has apparently abandoned the science that he said he’s kept his “head buried in” for “much” of his career. Mann, a climate scientist chosen to […]

Study: ‘Climate change’ impacting sunsets – ‘Climate Change at the Edge of Space’

http://news.spaceweather.com/climate-change-at-the-edge-of-space/ PMCs (“polar mesospheric clouds”) in the northern hemisphere have become more frequent and brighter in recent decades—a development that may be related to climate change. … In the summer of 1885, sky watchers around northern Europe noticed something strange. Sunsets weren’t the same any more.  The red and orange colors they were used to […]

Warmist UK Guardian laments: ‘Climate change: the missing issue of the 2016 campaign’ 

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/05/climate-change-voters-2016-election-issues The Guardian call-out was not a poll, and as such was not a controlled survey of opinion. But it does illuminate a largely hidden depth of concern, particularly among liberal Americans, about a gathering global disaster that has tended to be discussed, if at all, at the fringes of the presidential debate. Most of […]