Australians Declare: ‘After Brexit — We Need Clexit’ – A ‘Climate Exit’ From UN Paris Agreement!

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Via: The Carbon Sense Coalition

After Brexit – We need Clexit

Malcolm Turnbull signed Australia onto the Paris Climate Agreement. This appalling document should be forever draped around his neck like a dead albatross.

Now we learn he has engineered an Emissions Trading Scheme as part of our green tributes to Paris.

The ALP and the Greens would have gone even further than Turnbull into the European climate swamp. They should also be awarded the ODA – the Order of the Dead Albatross.


(Acknowledgements: Steve Hunter

Australia must withdraw from the dreadful Paris agreement before it can be ratified.

We need our own CLEXIT – climate exit from the energy vandals of Europe.

Read More:

The Lib/Lab/Green schemers strike secretly:

Lord Monckton on Brexit:

Britain becomes more sceptical:


Related Links:

Warmist Joe Romm at ThinkProgress: Global Warming Caused Brexit

Brexit Sparks Worry About Fate of Global Climate Action – ‘Will harm international efforts to halt global warming’

Fmr. Canadian alderman outs himself! ‘I’m going to come out of the closet – no I’m not gay – but even more controversial – I’m a climate change skeptic!’

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Brexit is also a repudiation of EU ‘global warming’ mandates – 69‰ saw ‘green movement’ as a ‘force for ill’

Guardian: Old People Voting Against Climate or Brexit is ‘Intergenerational Theft’
