New AGU study negates the climate ‘methane emergency’ in Alaska
New AGU study negates the climate ‘methane emergency’ in Alaska One of the most “out there” climate activist groups is the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, collection of luminary scientists who are convinced we are on a one-way trip to perdition in a picnic basket because Arctic methane is going to cause runaway feedbacks: THURSDAY […]
Skeptic ponders: ‘Why can’t I bring a fraud suit against Al Gore?’
Data reveals: Many, Many More People Die Of Cold Than Heat
Amidst all the talk of people dying in heatwaves, we need to remember that many, many more people die of the cold than the heat. This is self evident in the UK, where the ONS routinely calculate excess winter deaths each year. They never count summer ones, as that is when death rates are lowest. […]
‘Climate change’ not the cause: DNA results prove so-called polar bear hybrid was a ‘blonde grizzly’ – Activists & media, ‘now have egg on their faces’
All the hubris last month about polar bear x grizzly hybrids, based on an unusual-looking bear killed near Arviat, has turned out to be wishful thinking by those who’d like to blame everything to do with polar bears on climate change. An awful lot of “experts” now have egg on their faces. That “hybrid” was […]
Climate Activist: Civil Unrest from Weather, Food Scarcity Played Role in Arab Spring, Syrian Conflict
( – At a discussion on climate change and food security on Tuesday, an advocate of their connection to national security said both played a role in the unrest and violence taking place across the Middle East and in parts of Africa, and claimed they also affected the French Revolution and the parting of the Red […]
Pre-order ‘Climate Hustle’ on DVD & Blu-Ray
Pre-order Climate Hustle on DVD & Blu-Ray! Friend, Climate Hustle is now available to pre-order on DVD and Blu-Ray! Audiences packed theaters across the U.S. for Climate Hustle’s one-night theater event. Since then, CFACT has been deluged by people asking just one simple question: How can I get my own copy of the film? Well […]